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SegaLi 1.10 released


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NES/Famicon emulator


02-12-06: 1.10 (niemand)

Don't you just loathe it when you wait 2 months for an update on your favourite Sega, I mean NES emulator, and all you get is a lousy small maintenance release?


- mappers: added the Bandai mapper, attracting/repelling DBZ lovers/haters, EEPROM emulation is yet to be implemented

- draw: switched the default renderer from Composite to RGB

- CPU: fixed PLP resetting any pending IRQ

- updated blargg's nes_ntsc to 0.2.1b1

- APU: corrected PAL noise and frame sequencer timing

- mappers: MMC1: fixed SOROM SRAM saving, SUROM bankswitching, and added SXROM

- CPU: fixed BRK not being ignored if happening simultaneously with an NMI/IRQ, this stops Dragon Warrior 3 crashes for the 0 people that played it

- CPU: fixed PAL reset timing, again

- executable is now bundled with NeSnake 2 for the ignorant and/or lazy

>> Get it HERE.

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