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Yep, the pawn shops here will give you $20 CAD for a Gamecube, and they sell em for $89 (I laugh at this, because a brand new one is like $99).

But if you're hard up for some crack money, and you don't like blowing for it, you'll sell your crap. lol


Oh and btw, the GF3 is mine. I just have to pay the man.


yeah, is anyone interested in buying some RDRAM or any random computer parts? I have some small (like 10GB) HDDs and random video cards (crap ones) and some CD-ROM drives, some floppy drives, some random slot processors, and i think thats it as far as computer parts (im trying to get rid of everything and thats pretty much whats left lol)


anyway i really need money right now so if anyone wants anything lemme know.


Ill also be selling my Linksys WRT54GS V2 soon because it doesnt get along with my neighbors wireless and having VoIP phone service it doesnt handle doing that and BitTorrent at the same time very well, but it would work fine if you dont use VoIP. Ive only had it for about a year.


I mean i probably have alot of stuff around here i dont want that someone might need. Alot of it seems like crap to me but i guess one mans trash is another mans treasure.


Good thing I haven't paid you yet. What type/size of RDRAM? My computer runs PC800 Samsung RDRAM. I've got 4x128 in here ATM.


well i sold most of my RDRAM off but what i have left is 2 PC600 64MB


i also have a bunch of PC133 lying around in varying sizes if you have any really old computers or something you want to turn into a linux box.


Nah, got 2 boxes here. 1 awaiting a new bios and the other just being idle. Besides, SDRAM is dirt cheap and readily available at Office Depot.

I suggest you hang onto the RDRAM, you won't get much for 64MB sticks right now, but RDRAM is getting rarer and rarer, you may get a good bit for it in a few years.

I know to pick up 512MB (2x256MB) of the PC800 NON-ECC Samsung I use, would cost me around $175. Sick huh?


Hahha paying for PC133 at the price of dirt is way over priced!


I can get tons for free from my high school! Seriously, just ask the tech teacher there!


well i wasnt gonna sell it for much anyway :)


I actually just sold an entire PC with that exact type of RAM to someone for 100 bucks, im so nice arent I? It was an old P4 1.3GHz, the 2X256MB RDRAM. I even included some random CD-RW and DVD-ROM drive i had, but they had to find their own video card/HDDs.


i probably could have gotten more for it but i got payed cash so :/

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