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Evidence suggets liquid water on Mars?


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Water could actually exist on Mars, albeit a very slim possibility. Due to Mars' thin atmosphere and cold temperature, water would evaporate or freeze when exposed to the surface.

Hence my comment on greenhouse gasses.

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If the sun was alot hotter, we'd still be here, but our seasons would last very much different spans then currently.


It's also a fact that our planet goes through different weather phases (150 year ice ages etc) every few 1500 years (Give or take 300).

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The last mini-ice age was around 1300 to 1850, causing a ~2°C drop in the global average temperature. From 1850 and upwards the temperature has been going up. I might be mixing up some parts but that's the jist.


This is my source.

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Would make sense if the sun was alot hotter.


Then we wouldnt be here.... :)


Where does that logic come from? My jaw dropped at the sheer idiocy of that comment, cause it makes no sense.


Yeah, call a fool a fool. You're a fool. If the sun was alot hotter and mars was like earth what happened with the life on there? You do know with an environment like ours shyt just magically grows, stop smoking that f.ucking pot and maybe you'd be getting this, anywayz say whats his face is right and the earth could sustain the same amount of life or whatever with warmer weather, and if so what time line are we talking about, the dinosaurs or the "ice age" cuz if it was around the ice age then would it still have been as cold, cuz if not then wouldnt this change the evolution of some animals, and if this was back in the dino era then was this when the earth was "mostly water" and is that was caused the evaporation and the creation of our plante's climate? So lets say mars was earth and earth was either A. Still a ball of burning gas/rock B. A giant ball of water or C. A nice torpical paradise and lets also say that the sun's power somewhat dimmed it's light bulb and got less hot, then whatever kinda water/life on mars be some what preserved or have some kind of trace? Or is all of that burried underneath all of the planets debris from it's violent storms or did the sun have some kind of power surge and like toast mars but yet some how leave earth out of harms way.


I love your theories they were very insightful.

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The earth was MUCH hotter then when the dinosaurs roamed, the winter there was slow shorter in both hemisphears. If the sun was much hotter to sustain life on Mars complete with atmosphear, Earth would be still be able to sustain life, but possibly on a lower scale with more plant life because it'd still get weather patterns.


This is just my own theroy mind you.

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