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Okay so im trying to sell something on ebay, and someone supposedly sent me money but i have to send a tracking number before i can get the money or something


ive never sold anything on ebay, and i have no idea what im doing, someone please help because i think someone is trying to rip me off


AIM: Shibathedog


yeah the auction hasnt even ended, and he supposedly sent me 370 dollars (70 for shipping 300 for item) for an ipod that costs 250 new


his address is somewhere in nigera and all the email address are in the email are from emailaccount.com


on top of that the "paypal" email came from services@paypalinfo.com which makes NO sense


flock this guy im not sending crap


Thanks for the help, i contacted ebay and paypal about it and it was indeed a scam, the user is being investigated or something now


that pisses me off that the first time i try to sell something on ebay someone tries to rip me off >_<


whatever though at least i didnt enter any account info or anything and his attempt failed. I basically emailed him saying that i got a bunch of fake emails and im not sending crap until i receive a real payment


You didn't realize that was a 100% scam from the beginning? Man, no wonder those guys are successful. People are saaps. :rolleyes:


NIGERIA = SCAM. Always. flock the legit people who ebay from Nigeria. They need to move to a better country. I will not even respond to anyone if they mention Nigeria.

You didn't realize that was a 100% scam from the beginning? Man, no wonder those guys are successful. People are saaps. :rolleyes:


NIGERIA = SCAM. Always. flock the legit people who ebay from Nigeria. They need to move to a better country. I will not even respond to anyone if they mention Nigeria.

Very true. And yet, we have businessmen losing thier business here becos they believe in Nigeria scams :huhwhy:


well i recognized it as a scam, but i figured id go along with it for awhile in case it wasnt


The second he said he wanted to pay with not traditional standards all kind of red flags went off, but in hopes of maybe getting 370 dollars i went along with it for as long as possible, it didnt surprise me when it turned out to be a scam though

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