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MamePlayer 1.5.0 released


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Front End.



- Changed: Options dialogue to support new renderer MAME.

- Fixed: crash when tray icon is right clicked when no games are in the list.

- Changed: program will now exit if a mame executable is not selected at startup.

- Added: search (on toolbar) which filters the current games in view.

- Added: Parent set column.

- Changed: Status bar now displays directory and parent (handy when not in details view).

- Fixed: Crash when Font dialogue was loaded (if no printer installed).

- Removed: 'set not found in history database' message.

- Fixed: Main menu and context menu items (show/hide statusbar) not in sync.

- Fixed: Show/hide tray didn't work if set from Interface Options within context and tray menu.

- Added: F11 shortcut - toggles Fullscreen interface (games list).

- Changed: Escape no longer exits Full Screen Interface.

- Changed: View Menu Bar shortcut from Ctrl+M to Ctrl+U.

- Added: Select Random Set (File menu - Ctrl+R).

- Added: Optimised history.dat usage.

- Added: Added separate option for Always On Top (you might like this if mp keeps going into the background after MAME has finished.

- Removed: project no longer uses MSCOMCTL.OCX; it uses COMCTL32.OCX instead. More controls will be Xp themed if you use the manifest file.

- Changed: column header icons (arrows) now show on the right of the text.

- Added: available and unavailable list icons.

- Fixed: automatic highlighting of last game selected to find exactly and not partially.

- Removed: Quick scan, which basically checked for filenames only.

- Added: more font options, statusbar etc.

- Added: toggle tooltips.

- Added: Open Online URL to mp.ini (can be changed to preferred online database).

- Added: individual game options (mouse menu...Game Options [setname]).

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