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Mario kart Vs Mariokart64. We all have our favorites yet I think there was a hope that the new version - 'Double Dash' was going to come along and make the point moot. It doesn't. I had a long bash at some playable code and it really is a disappointment. I think it has tried some very brilliant ideas, that may well revolutionise multiplayer, but once again they have destroyed the one player mechanics. It feels sluggish and… spongy. I know it is early days, but not really that early. I hope some play testers step up to the plate and set the coders ‘right’ on the ‘feel’.


P>S. The snes version is bestest :lol:




What did you think of Mario Kart for GBA? I thought it was as good as the snes version.


Personally I thought it was excellent. I especially liked how much attention to detail there was with the title. It did everything it needed to do, and then threw in a great multiplayer (1 cart) option. Probably the only time we will see such an excellent title not being completely milked by Nintendo.


I was always a fan of the tight control offered by the 2d versions of the series and the problem which blighted the N64 version, and now sadly the Gamecube version is probably related to how Nintendo have interpreted the 3d aspect. Hey, I still have loads to play in Animal Crossing so Nintendo are not all bad I guess.


yeah ive supported nintendo since 86 and i left them because of their lack of violent games.

yeah ive supported nintendo since 86 and i left them because of their lack of violent games.
I will take that as a joke. If it is not we will probably have to have a deep and meaningful conversation about what = quality gaming, good gaming or fun gaming.

You know what? I had a feeling that Double Dash might not be as good as everyone was expecting :P Having said that I could live with it if the multiplayer is as good as you seem to be hinting. Also as you pointed out, the game isn't finished and there is still time for lots of tweaking. Nintendo rarely release poor games.


On the Snes vs N64 version debate it's a pretty easy decision for me. I hated the N64 version, especially the battle mode (why the big stupid huge arenas?). Mario Kart on the Snes (and the gameboy advance too, especially with the extra tracks :P ) is the definitive version.


On a seperate but kinda related note, I hope Nintendo don't turn F-Zero into a wipeout clone. It does look amazing from the videos though

hated the N64 version, especially the battle mode (why the big stupid huge arenas?).
Absolutely. What I have found very irksome about the N64 addicts is that they always made out it was the multiplayer that made it the 'great game' it was! I guess the younger you are the more likely you are to relish the title that was fresh for you, rather than appreciate the quality that was offered by a former era.

the only games i really loved on my N64 were the wrestling games and zelda the snes could very easily be the best console of all time but im not gonna say it is because sony is giving nintendo a run for its money in that department.i love nintendo they have had a run of top notch titles over the yrs but i'm very disapointed in the gamecube to me it was a 179.99 ps2 holder lol well now my dreamcast holder lol!


It's PS2 for me all the way. I've always been a huge RPG fan, and sony has the best collection of RPGs. And with titles like FF(still the best game ever) and Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers(not much of an rpg but still awesome), who wouldnt? Oh, and does anyone know the release date for The Return of the King? I've only seen a few pictures, but it looked easily as good as the first.

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