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So my DVD Player has been acting all fussy recently with discs, the 360, PS2, and PSX on top of it work fine still though


Underneath it i usually burn inscense/put my hookah around that area when i smoke it, is it possible that smoke it somehow getting inside of it (i NEVER leave the tray open though) and screwing it up or something? It still reads discs and everything but it skips sometimes. I mean it seems possible to me (Its in the Wii Manual!!! http://youtouchmywiiwii.ytmnd.com/ )


How should i clean it anyway? I have one of those discs with the bristles on it but i keep hearing those make it worse.


My computer is open, and my father is a heavy smoker, not a single part has failed on me yet. My disc drives are never open though x.x.


I'm not sure about your kind of smoke, but i've seen plenty of cases where tobacco smoke leaves a yellow residue and can clog up the lens. I've even seen a case where it caused a tv set to fail.


hmm i should probably move this stuff elsewhere just in case then, what about cleaning it? its real easy to open and get to the lense, but i cant think of anything to clean it with i have lying around besides a Q-Tip which is probably a bad idea


robert was right the residue from the smoke can not only gunk up the lens but the gears in the drive as well. bad thing about it is that even if u clean the lens depending on how long the residue has been on the lens it will leave a permanent film on your drive so u just may have to get a new one.


i would think it would leave heavier residue


I have another one of these DVD players in my basement with a dead mainboard, i guess ill just swap the drive out of that one

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