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I wholly think the PS3 is a waste of hard earned money, and that you should be ashamed for buying one.

Yes well, that is just your opinion.


well when its YOUR hard earned money u be ashamed. meanwhile im very happy with my purchase. and wii's should be availible everywhere this weekend stores have been hoarding them in the back for weeks.




"Hoarding" them is seriously overrated.


Now you need a picture of you taking a picture of you taking a picture of you posting on 1emu.

I wholly think the PS3 is a waste of hard earned money, and that you should be ashamed for buying one.

What a stupid thing to say.




well i dunno the more i heard about it the more i lose interest in it, to be honest im to the point where the only reason i want one is for MGS4 (Yeah, it probably will be worth the console purchase lol) but i keep hearing its prolly coming to 360 too, in which case ill just wait for that version.


i still want a Wii though, even though the only game i really want for that so far is Zelda and probably Red Steel (but i hear its not actually that good?)

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