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I figured I'd put this topic in here because it is possibly a problem with my PC.


Anyways, I just recently bought a wireless network adapter for my 360 to try and get on live and needed wireless since the modem is 2 floors above the 360. So I run the tests and it recognizes the network but fails the obtain IP address test. When I check the settings an IP address is listed though. My modem is connected to a router and there are two more PCs connected to that through wireless adapters but those work. The 360 on the other hand does not. Maybe its a location problem? But whats the point of wireless if you can't be away from the modem? So it identifies my linksys network and lists that and in the settings shows an IP address, but the test for IP address comes up as failed so I cannot connect. Any suggestions anyone?


EDIT: Nevermind, I think my port forwarding got the thing running, time to go have some fun


Hmmm...I was deciding on whether to post or not earlier but I'll give it a shot.


From what I've heard about gaming adapters, they usually take the complications out of setting up any other way. What I would suggest is you giving the 360 its own static IP address. I'm not familiar with Xbox networks settings, but I assume you can access this (as you can on the PS2) and manually input the numbers.


After that, you would have to go into your Linksys router settings and manually do more or less the same thing.


Also, go to this site, Portforward. Choose your router. There is a guide for Xbox Live guide under "X" for you follow on the following page after you choose your router


Thanks for the response and the port forwarding is what fixed it as I stated previously.

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