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Hey everyone, well were back! Wow its been hectic, well we changed the servers and so we are back online. I already configured everything the way it was before, I had to remove the Top Gaming Articles on the main page however (caused some weird problems). However, there was 1 PROBLEM, we lost the MySQL database which holds all of the forum settings, posts, users, etc. So my latest backup was from July 5, 2003. So as of now, all of threads, topics, settings, users, have been restored too July 5, 2003. I'm sorry this had to happen, but nothing is ever perfect. If you recently registered from July 5, 2003 to July 10, 2003 and you can not login, your account was lost. So please register again. The great thing is that the server is much faster than before & now we have subdomain capabilities and a ton of more features. Also I don't have to pay for next month's bill since of the mysql problem. :P So welcome everyone, to your home of emulation, 1Emulation!


ya it was kinda funny cause i had my homepage to this site as the old ip number and i couldnt connect anymore. I tried 1emulation and it worked again. I thought the server was down for good or something. Good to be back again.


discard this message.... i reread the topic


arrgg 145?!?! i was at 161 last time i posted..... oh well.....

discard this message.... i reread the topic 


arrgg 145?!?! i was at 161 last time i posted..... oh well.....


Yeah I know its a bummer. :P I as well wasn't notifyed of the server change till later on from my server admin after I was locked out from doing anything. So my only backup was from July 5 which was now 6 days ago, but really by forum settings its 5 days ago. You are actually very lucky right now you got access here in 1Emulation.com. Many people still can't get in yet till about another 24 hours since the DNS servers changed when I changed the server. So it will take a while till it updates everyones ISP's. The server change was for the better too since I get a ton more features and everything is a lot more easier and stable. :P


Everyone should have full access now to: 1Emulation.com!


The DNS servers have updated everyones ISP's now. So welcome back everyone to your #1 people's emulation talk mesage board. :P:P


I was a little lost........seeing as I still used the original server URL (Direct URL)

Lost some of my posts, but meh.


I didn't realize you were having to foot the bill for running this place.

I think you should put up a paypal link on the front page..........you know, for donations.

So much is offered here when it comes to helping people new to emulation, and I can only imagine how much bandwidth is used with everything related to this site (The hub, the files served up and this forum)


You should at least consider putting up a paypal donation link, so that if someone wants to........they can. (But they don't have to)

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