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Money, money, money for moi.


A few books

Two pajamas

Some deodorant and some shower gel




I really need to go shopping afer Christmas, but I have a grand to total of €7.64 on me.


:/ :/


I'm going to gate crash Bestbuy tomorrow and pick up a few games at a low price of 19.99 CAD or a tad bit higher (Enchanted Arms zomg). Hopefully pick up stuff I actually want.

Just got up, making coffee and feeding my daughter breakfast. Can I list what SHE got?

Please do. I bet it's a huge list.


i got my kid one of those tickle me elmo xtremes daddy may have to remove the batteries soon lol. as far as i go i got the PS3 (my wife syas it was my christmas present lol) 5 games xtra controller and a 42 in plasma hd tv.and various gift cards.


Well I bought myself a 32" LCD HDTV a month ago, that's my present. I got a 2 piece sterling silver and diamond ring today, a sweater and some small stuff. I bought my wife a family ring with 2 rubies and a diamond in it (Birthstones for us and our daughter), a pair of skanky leather boots (Woot!) and some socks.


Now as for my daughter, she got too much stuff to really list.....so I'll give a general rundown.


A new Winnie The Pooh toddler bed, 240 piece art set. A bunch of dolls, a Disney tea set, a bunch of bears including a fibre optic one that changes color. Tonnes of alphabet and numbers stuff like fridge magnets and puzzles and an assload of books. And of couse clothes.

I'd say she had probably 50+ presents.

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