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EMUControlCenter (ECC) 0.5.987 released


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Been watching the WIP development of this for a while, finally a first release!


2006/12/30 - PUBLIC RELEASE of emuControlCenter

DOWNLOAD emuControlCenter NOW!


emuControlCenter first public release This is the first public release of the emuControlCenter. It contains many hours, weeks and months of hard work by andreas (ecc) and phoenix. If you think that this work is worth supporting, read the lines at the Support page.


How to support? We hope, that you have much fun with this software and hope that many people will support the ecc project by creating meta-informations (within emuControlCenter and also in eccdb/romdb).


Datfiles / Metainformations If you have downloaded the software, you see an empty ecc. You can add your ROMS by using "Add Roms". If you want a full set of emuControlCenter metainformations, download this file and use "Import Dat-File -> emuControlCenter datfile"! This file contains many (really many!) informations for the roms.


Documentation / Help At this moment, there is no Documentation about the features written. So, you could use the Support Forum or use the contact form for direct feedback!


Images / Screenshots At this moment, there is no public screenshot/image download because of the limited bandwith of the ecc-server. But you can add your own screenshots by using the "SAVED"-Button under the image-preview. Ok, first take a screenshot in your emulator, then click "SAVED". emuControlCenter search in the folders and will find the image. (Hopefully) Tested and running with most of all emulators. (Project 64 could make trouble, sorry :thumbsup1:)

>> Get it HERE (9.21MB).



- Version 0.5.897


* Center all popup/dialog-windows

* ecc-core update (new dll fixes keystroke errors)

* Added new platforms

** sega sg1000

** sega sc3000

** Splitted wonderswan to b/w and color platform

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