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I had this weird dream last night that right after his execution he just cut the rope and walked away.


you know, flock saddam. seriously, flock him in his now dead Arsehole.


but the fact that they choose to hang him at the time of el Eid prayer, was just an insult plain and simple. it wasn't a "gift" or "justice" to his victims (just ask the kurds what they think), it was an insult... besides has anyone ever heard of someone sentenced to death being killed so soon? if he and his accomplices were convicted of the same crime, then why are they going to be hanged in january instead of with him?


it is IMPOSSIBLE for the iraqi court to have ordered him killed on eid, because the iraqi constitution (as well as the constitutions of almost all the arab or muslim countries) bans death sentences being carried out on the three days of eid for religous reasons. Eid is the time of year where some criminals are usually pardoned by governments.


another thing that was really wrong : "Then Saddam began reciting the Shahada, a Muslim prayer that says there is no god but God and Muhammad is his messenger, according to an unabridged copy of the video clip, which was posted on a website.


Saddam made it to midway through his second recitation of the verse. His last word was Muhammad. Then the floor dropped out of the gallows."


at any muslim based execution, the condemned is allowed to say the shehada 3 times before they're killed, and those carrying out the sentence CANNOT kill a person in the middle of the shehada.


they violated both.


seriously, i've always wanted saddam dead, but the way it happened... is just wrong.


read this article : http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=12510


yes i totally agree wid Elazul Yagami! he pointed out some important points that a muslim needs to remember! But i guess crap happens...


lets just move on now...cos thel definetly be another 'dictator' like him...e.g. Tony Blair & George W. Bush


You know, i was thinking... what HAVEN"T the authorities done to make sure things don't become stable in iraq?


i mean, look at all the STUPID mistakes done from the beginning of the war:


1- going to war in the first place.


2- hailing american flags in Iraq instead of solid color flags when they secure an area (cause CONQUERORS hail their contries flag, not "liberators")


3- attempting to change the iraqi flag (which regardless of the regime, iraqi's like) to a flag that looks TOO close to the israel flag for comfort (was the flag cancelled btw?)


4- Failing to protect musems and other places of cultural value, while rushing to protect oil fields... really if you're trying to convince people that you're NOT there for the oil, shouldn't you attempt to protect their culture? i mean, a person can walk off with an art piece, but what's the big deal if they walk off with a gallon or two of unrefined oil?


5- media reporting shia-sunni differences, even though the reality of it is, that every religious and political leader in iraq have told everyone that sunnis didn't bomb a mosque, and shias didn't kill the sunnis (in otherwords, that there is no beef between sunni's and shiaas) also ignoring the fact that 20% of iraqi marrigies are shia-sunni.


6- Executing saddam in the manner that they did.




7- Allowing Neo-Nazis and Racists into the army because recruiters are under such heavy load that they can't be selective.


8- Mishandling soliders that committ illegal acts such as rape.


9- changing the iraqi currency that had some value worldwide, to Iraqi "dollars" that have less value than a yen.



anyone else think of any?

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