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SDLMAME 0.111u1 released


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Big SDL changes in this one, especially for Mac OS X users. NOTE: the new osd_tool stuff is sparsely tested, so be very careful with chdman in this release.


1) Aspect ratio fixup fixed (Ernesto Corvi).

2) Fixed bugs in OS X debugger (Ernesto Corvi).

3) 64-bit file I/O for OS X. This fixes CPS2 CHDs on Intel Macs, but PowerPC has endian problems (Ernesto Corvi)

4) YUV (video overlay) support for OpenGL on OS X (Ernesto Corvi).

5) It turns out we were displaying a lot of games as 15/16-bit per pixel that in fact had full 24-bit fidelity due to a misinterpretation. Because very few games actually need/use 15/16 bpp we’ve reverted to the original SDLMAME behavior (and mainline Win32 behavior) of converting all formats to 8-8-8-8 [A]RGB. (Aaron Giles, Ernesto Corvi, RB).

6) As a special holiday gift, I’ve included Ville’s upcoming Taito JC System fixes, so SDLMAME users can play Densya De Go! and the Side By Side games first. (Ville Linde, RB). These games are unsupported until they appear in baseline (0.111u2 probably).

7) SDLMAME was improperly reporting some results from -verifyroms and friends. Fixed to conform to baseline (RB).


Smoke tested on Fedora 6 (i386) and OS X 10.4.8 (Intel).


Fair warning: I've read (but haven't verified) that SDL doesn't work on Windows Vista, so please use baseline MAME if you decide to upgrade to that operating system before the SDL developers can figure out the problems.

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