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you know, not to hijack a topic, but why is linking to torrent sites against the rules? i mean surely 1emulation can't be shut down for saying the name of a torrent site can it?

that would be like closing 1emulation down for saying "google"



back on topic,

which private ones do you need? pm me.


Why? Because it's against the rules to link to ANYTHING that contains copyrighted material, and I know not of any torrent site that doesn't host torrents attributed to such.

We went 100% legit and copyright following, not 95%.


cinder, i know it's against the rules, i was asking WHY is it against the rules.


stating that it's against the rules in response to my question of why it's against the rules is kinda moot isn't it?


the point is, linking to google, linking to images, linking to a bunch of things can lead to copyrighted material, as long as you're not actually giving download links, how would it be against the law to state something that can be found easily using ANY search engine?


it really should be allowed but where like super playing it safe i guess


if you go to google and type "filetype:torrent" without quotes you can use it as a torrent search engine :/ so i mean technically we shouldnt allow google haha.


that's kinda my point.


see the way i look at it, your avatar is a copyright violation (sega dreamcast), my avatar is a copyright violation (neil gaiman's sandman), Cinder's avatar is a copyright violation (Marvel/capcom).


there are a million things on this site (and indeed almost every site on the net) that could constitute copyright violation


yeah, and the images arent hosted on 1emu servers so technically its the same thing as linking to a site :/


i dunno i guess its just the better safe than sorry approach.

The protocol isnt illegal, its the content (depending on what it is, where you live, and how insane the laws are) so i'm not going to lose any sleep over posting that



The protocol isnt illegal true but the links that the torrents link to can be illegal . Therefore since the rules here are you cannnot ask for or post links to roms, iso's, warez which mean you cannot posts torrent sites that has those type of files for download .


I think the best solution to the following: Maybe banning specific torrent files rather than banning torrent sites would be the best way to do things?

Of course, this is assuming that people don't reply to warez requests with "Go to www.superduperwareztorrents.com," rather than telling them off.




The protocol isnt illegal, its the content (depending on what it is, where you live, and how insane the laws are) so i'm not going to lose any sleep over posting that



The protocol isnt illegal true but the links that the torrents link to can be illegal . Therefore since the rules here are you cannnot ask for or post links to roms, iso's, warez which mean you cannot posts torrent sites that has those type of files for download .


well yeah true, but siting the using filetype: torrent method in google, wouldn't telling someone to google something (like roms) be illegal?


(btw, i'm in no way trying to flock things around, i'm just trying to make sense of things, and understand why more)

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