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Ootake 0.90 released


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TG16/PCE emulator


2007/01/02 0.90 released

- The image quality ("Coloring" & "Quality of the special scanline of default") has been improved to become beautiful and easy to play.

- "Set Resume" menu was added to "File" menu. The game that puts the check in this menu starts from the last continuation when starting next. (Every time, when ending, it saves the state by the automatic.) Moreover, states of the "TurboButton" setting and the "CPU Speed" setting, etc. return. (The best setting at each game can be preserved.)

- Operation speed & timing of CPU has been elaborately adjusted. In "Bravoman", the problem that the character font takes the shape (generated from v0.88) was corrected.

- The behavior (screen display) when the "Hu-CARD game" started was modeled on a real machine.

- "MoreLate RasterTiming" menu was added to "CPU" menu.

- The resolution of "400x300" and "800x600" can be selected at full-screen.

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