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Go watch it. Some of the best cinematography I have seen in years. Just an absolutely beautiful picture.


Hey, that's got Clive Owen in it, right? The guy from "Inside Man?" :)


I refuse to see it on the strength that Clive Owen is in it.


Seriously though I hold visuals in film above most else but the plot of this movie... I just have such a great aversion to it I doubt Ill see it.


I expect Englishmen to come with some refinement.. authority... I expect them to be, if not James Bond, at least Colin Firth.


Instead we have Clive Owen, a huge ungainly motherflocker with not an ounce of refinement in him, playing amazingly cocksure roles that I find him decidedly unsuited for. In Closer I was just thinking 'ahuh, sure' the whole time. In Sin City I felt like ramming his dopey head into a wall. How Frank Miller (who I assume had a lot to do with the production but am not sure about) let such an insipid portrayal of a character he created onto the screen is beyond me.


*Ahem*. I dunno I just get a bad vibe from the guy. If I ever run into him on the street I'd hit him. With relation to Children of Men, I cant imagine he does the performance there any justice either. Granted Theo isnt a 'big man' in the novel, but I'm hearing the film is a lot different? Either way I can't see a Hollywood film with a lead as ass as Owen. The thought of it makes me want to weep.


Awesome movie. I felt like I was in a ride at Islands of Adventure while playing Gears of War during most of the action scenes.

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