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Im thinking of buying Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and the new Garry's Mod over steam, First off, are either of these worth it? (Garry's mod ill probably get, i used to play it alot when it was free, and its only 10 bucks anyway) But is Dark Messiah good? Im downloading the demo but ive never played it.


Also is buying games over steam easy? ive never done it before i just got it in the store and entered the code, but steam tends to be a pain in the ass which i dont feel like dealing with when it comes to my money.


I think you buy it, with your steam account (like if you bought HL), then you can d/l and uninstall whenever you feel like it through steam as long as your account is loged into it.


yeah i just played the demo and it seemed like a cheap version of oblivion to me :/


the hunt for a new PC RPG continues! (what about that Diablo type game Titan Quest or whatever its called, is that any good?)

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