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CrocoDS 1.0 released


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Amstrad CPC emulator for the DS


One passes from Alpha has Release directly…Same step fear.



- New keyboard 3/4.

- Resize of the automatic screen.

- More interlacing at the time posting of the screen.

- The scrolling of the screen (Via the key R) now also functions into horizontal.

- The sound is of better quality

- Support of ROMs zipfiles functional.

- Support of the DLDI in order to be compatible with all old linkers and to come (!! Caution!! That wants to say that you owe patcher the file .nds before being able to use it)

- The change of pallet is again possible for each line. (possible modification via the menu hack)


Still thank you in Demoniak which continues to work on PC-CPC, with its emulator CPC.

>> Get it HERE.

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