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EasyMame 5.5 release info:



- Added new mame font folder.

- Adapted to the new snapshot format. (romname/0000.png, ...) The old format is still supported (detection is automatic - unlike other frontends)

- Faster rom initializing.

- Rewrote the favorites handling. Fixing a lot of small issues. It is now again possible to manually add romnames to the easymame.ini file.

- Optimized the database code. Again about 20% faster now. I Don't think it's possible to make it any faster now. :)




You have to delete the entire INI folder before running the new version for the first time.



A word about favorites:

Why including the favorites in the main easymame.ini and not in a separate favorites.ini is clear to me: I do not like a vast amount of .ini files! Keeping everything small, tight and fast is the main key here.

Some other frontends creates a whole bunch of .ini files that doesn't make it any easier at all.

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