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List your favorite epic gaming moments; they'll probably be the climax of the game and most likely a spoiler of the game also.


1. Shining Force -

Max (the Hero) Sacrifices himself by stabbing Dark Dragon with his sword and casts an egress spell to let the rest of the Force escape the castle before it fell into the ocean - This is probably my favorite epic moment because it was the first time I've seen the hero sacrifice himself whereas I'm used to seeing a happier ending. It was a great way to end a good game.



2. Starcraft -

Tassadar sacrificing himself into the Overmind - Pretty epic since you spend the protoss campaign with Tassadar whose actions were questioned by his peers, and he ends up sacrificing himself just to save everyone else. Definitely one scene I could watch over and over again



3. Target Earth

Finding out the Enemy attacking Earth was actually Earthlings that were sent out when the Earth was in nuclear war. - It was surprising to me because usually, the enemies you fought in these old games were usually monsters, aliens, evil men. These people were neglected by Earth and went to attack it after many years later.



Yeah there's a lot to list, but those are my top 3.


Grandia II


When Mareg sacrifices himself so that the rest of the party can escape from the monsters



Star Wars Republic Commando


At the end when Sev gets lost from the main party, I wish they could have made this longer or an expansion or something



Chrono Cross


The whole entire ending and casting the chrono cross element causing you to get the "good" ending



Final Fantasy IX



When the fleet heads for the Memoria Sphere and a flockton of white dragons come to "greet" them



Harvest Moon Games in General


Your first kid!





FFVII - Aeris getting killed by Sephiroth, and just about every cut scene with a Weapon in it


Golden Sun


Golden Sun - Finding out that Felix has sided with Saturos and Menardi, also when the first lighthouse is lit


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