Mooney Posted January 19, 2007 Posted January 19, 2007 Now with support for the PSP-290 GPS accessory!NEW FEATURES:- GPS-290 support (dhaa - GPS info screen with satellite data- Screen rotation in map mode- Trip reset option added to menu. Trip data does not get reset when you switch to map mode.- Fixed a bug in TRACK UP mode. (should not switch the mode when approaching to map's boundaries.NOTE: some features, like gps data re-play & wifi-download are disabled in this version...INSTALLATION:This version must be ran under 3.03 custom kernel!It was briefly tested with 3.03 OE-B custom firmware, but may work with older custom FW version(although installation may vary)1) Copy mapViewer folder in to /PSP/GAME303/2) Put usbacc.prx & usbgps.prx in MapViewer folder. Note that prx files are not supplied with this distribution.I tested with usbacc.prx from 2.71 FW distribution and usbgps.prx bundled with Maplus software.You can try using usbgps.prx from 2.71 FW, but it seems to have a problem reporting negative longitude;so if you are in Europe and Asia it may work for you... (the 3.03 FW usbgsp.prx does not seem to work for me)3) Generate a map for your area with gmdl tool and copy it inside the maps folder.4) Attach the usb gps-290 accessory and you should be good to go...CONFIGURATION:added new variable to config.txt:INITLOCATION=1It should accept values 0,1,2 which may affect the initial satelite lookup algorithm..Play with the values and see if it make any difference...Source / Download
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