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Now with support for the PSP-290 GPS accessory!


- GPS-290 support (dhaa :(

- GPS info screen with satellite data

- Screen rotation in map mode

- Trip reset option added to menu. Trip data does not get reset when you switch to map mode.

- Fixed a bug in TRACK UP mode. (should not switch the mode when approaching to map's boundaries.

NOTE: some features, like gps data re-play & wifi-download are disabled in this version...


This version must be ran under 3.03 custom kernel!

It was briefly tested with 3.03 OE-B custom firmware, but may work with older custom FW version

(although installation may vary)

1) Copy mapViewer folder in to /PSP/GAME303/

2) Put usbacc.prx & usbgps.prx in MapViewer folder. Note that prx files are not supplied with this distribution.

I tested with usbacc.prx from 2.71 FW distribution and usbgps.prx bundled with Maplus software.

You can try using usbgps.prx from 2.71 FW, but it seems to have a problem reporting negative longitude;

so if you are in Europe and Asia it may work for you... (the 3.03 FW usbgsp.prx does not seem to work for me)

3) Generate a map for your area with gmdl tool and copy it inside the maps folder.

4) Attach the usb gps-290 accessory and you should be good to go...


added new variable to config.txt:


It should accept values 0,1,2 which may affect the initial satelite lookup algorithm..

Play with the values and see if it make any difference...

Source / Download

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