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Solidus, the dvd can range anywhere (the real one not some burned crap) from $50-$500. It just depends on if you get lucky and find it :huh:.


I told a wow guildie about this movie and he instantly went into youtube, came back 10 minutes later, and told me to never go near his children.


fake snuff films still appear sick to the majority of reason. At least the other guildie I introduced it to loved it and is now d/ling a sh!t load of david lynch films.


yeah his movies are all weird but good (although he had nothing to do with begotten) i own all his movies and most of his shorts


Don't forget to get Blue Velvet and Rabbits (First is a movie, second is a short/series of shorts) Rabbits is really weird.


oh yeah and Mulholland Dr. is a fairly new one thats supposed to be really good (i have it but havent watched it yet)


yeah i was kinda surprised to find out hes still making movies, i knew he did stuff for TV every once in awhile though (did a PS2 commercial actually, and some random cigarette ads and stuff)

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