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Romcenter Version 3.00 alpha 2 released for testing


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Rom Manager


Version 3.00 alpha 2


This is a test only version and should not be used on real files, nor be widely distributed.

Backup your files before using it.


This release fixes a lot of bugs, new (or old) features will be added as soon as some stability will be reached.

The database structure changed, you can' t use the alpha 1 bin files, so you must create new one.


Bugs fixed:

- Improved refresh speed

- Fix incorrect icon colors with some files

- Fix add/close path icon disabled sometimes

- Update and optimize countless database codes. This fixes a lot of incorrect reports and repair bugs.

- 'bad dump' icon does not appear on some files (005, 40love, astrob, animaljr ... )

- 'arithmetic exception, numeric overflow or string truncation' fixed

- horizontal scrollbar now stay on the left in the treeview

- date conversion error

- unknown files sometimes not deleted

- Empty files are deleted

- Add some reports at the end of the fix log.



- Samples analyse. No samples fixing yet and you can't actually set a folder as a sample folder.

- red/yellow/green/grey filter (for files only. You can sort by icon in the database nodes until filter is added)

- Added verion number in task bar caption.

- Speed up the gui loading (by delaying the nodes loading only when needed (node expanding)).

>> Get it HERE

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