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NES emulator


February 27 2007


Version 1.36 released. What's new:


Shell Additions:


* Joystick calibrate button in the input dialog.


Shell Changes:


* Now possible to make save states (slots only) during netplay.

* Some error messages more descriptive.

* Log file now enabled by default.

* Lazy loading of some resources, notably the launcher file database.

* Various aesthetic GUI fixes and improvements.

* Refactoring.


Shell Fixes:


* Lightgun trigger no longer registered if screen is occluded by a window.

* Various things, subtle and not-so-subtle.


Core Additions:


* Power Glove peripheral support.

* Mapper 38, 108 and 173. Info from Ca4He3.

* UNIF boards: TF1201, KS7038 and GS-2004. Info from Ca4He3.

* Mapper 150 reset-triggered DIP switch toggling.

* Database entries.


Core Changes:


* Speed optimizations (NO accuracy trade-off).

* blargg's nes_ntsc updated to version 0.2.2.

* HSB/RGB calculation method.

* 8bit video mode rendering removed.

* 2xSaI filters removed. Use hqx or ScaleX instead.

* Even stricter ANSI/ISO compliance.

* More compiler options and detections through the preprocessor. Refer to "NstApiConfig.hpp" as starting point for porting work.

* Board names. Info from Pongbashi.

* Refactoring.


Core Fixes:


* Mapper 234.

* Mapper 242. Fixes "Dragon Quest VIII (Ch)".

* Database entries.

* Various things, subtle and not-so-subtle.

Changelog / Download


Amazing emulator with kaillera support. I was playing against Diso on kaillera the other day with the previous release and there was a lot of lag... probably not the emulator's fault, but still. :o

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