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Know any myths and rumors or any games?


I remember back in day, I heard a myth that Guile in Street Fighter can shot a gun and use handcuffs.


Yeah I remember that rumour about Guile, well the handcuffs bit anyway. IIRC one of the old Snes mags had a fake pic of Guile with someone in cuffs, I think it was a sprite lifted from Final Fight or something.


You mean aside from all the "See <female character's name here> naked!" rumors? :thumbsup1: Well, there always was the rumor in Pokemon Red and Blue that if you surfed behind the SS Anne or got into "Bill's back yard" you would get to fight/catch Mew...

No it wasn't you would just fight some stupid glitchy pokemon not Mew.

Actually, it's true, it's a glitch in the game itself. Theres a specific method without using a cheating device to fight and capture Mew.


No it wasn't you would just fight some stupid glitchy pokemon not Mew.

Actually, it's true, it's a glitch in the game itself. Theres a specific method without using a cheating device to fight and capture Mew.

Really? I know how to get to Missingno, but I've never actually heard of someone catching Mew without a cheating device or one of those special events Nintendo has where you get rare pokemon. :banghead:


No it wasn't you would just fight some stupid glitchy pokemon not Mew.

Actually, it's true, it's a glitch in the game itself. Theres a specific method without using a cheating device to fight and capture Mew.


I just did some research I guess you are right. Back when I played it though I don't think there was any verifiable way to get Mew. I should go play it again :banghead:


tthe one i remeber at the moment was in street fighter 2 u could go against sheng long which turned out to be an april fools day joke


There are ways of getting Mew, you have to go to a Nintendo event. In Japan you had to give it to Nintendo (your game) and they'd send it back with Mew in your game. (Last event where mew was given away was on Sept 30 06)


I remember hearing something about a version of duck hunt where you could shoot that damn dog when he was laughing. ^^


Oh, and that Duke Nukem Forever would be out before Christmas of 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and ...

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