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The GBA is short two buttons compared to the SNES, the X and Y buttons. But Nintendo has found ways of getting rid of those button's functions, and it is also quite comfortable


Thats the thing though, having only B and A does not work for a huge amount of games.


eg Any fighter but ESPECIALLY both the streetfighters. You can't have two buttons with a streetfighter game, it's criminal :)


All the Tony Hawk games


Some of the ports etc.


It was a poor design decision IMO. I can understand why they didn't add it to the SP though because they would be splitting the market into two which is never a good idea (just ask Sega :?)


I agree with the fighting games, the tony hawk games should have never been on the GBA and which ports (Metroid Fusion is the only one I could think of, but you get used to it)?

3-D Tekken and Virtual Fighter (Dumb Button Smashing Games)


2D fighters are "dumb buttons smashing games", 3d fighters require a bit more skill in "navigating" the play field and general execution of moves in a 3D environment.


IMO 2D fighting games since SF2 haven't really introduced ANYTHING new (KOF 2002? WTF has it done that is really new besides adding MORE cheap moves/combos?)


I'm sick of VS fighters myself, they are all the same and for the "braindead" gamers that play them all the time.

Fun to play now and then, but when thats all you play.........you most likely can't play any other kind of game worth a poop.


"Wow! Look at me, I can pull off a 500 bajillion hit combo by mashing all the buttons." or "Wow! Look at me, I can pull off a 500 bajillion hit combo cause this is the only game I play and I've memorized EVERY button combination"

VS Fighters require a good memory, not skill.


When you think Soul Calibur 2. Yea thats all skill.


But in tekken and virtual fighter (mostly tekken) Ppl like picking ppl like eddy and just mash buttons hopeful to kill the other person (BTW I'm talking about the general public).


The only reason 2d fighters havent introduced anything is because they're pratically done now. 3d age is starting and pretty soon we'll advanced from that into virtual reality.


2D fighters are "dumb button smashing games"


But you have to admit, It IS pretty funny watching ppl try to do a simple hadoken :)


BTW: Those ppl who know those get money from tournies because they waste a lot of time learning those. I myself just mess around with friends....or even you guys :? buuut. lets not go off topic.

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