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Romcenter Version 3.00 alpha 4 released


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Rom Manager


Version 3.00 alpha 4 released for testing.


This is a test only version and should not be used on real files, nor be widely distributed.

Backup your files before using it.


This release fixes a lot of bugs, new (or old) features will be added as soon as some stability will be reached.

The database structure changed and you can't use the previously created database files.

You must create new database from this version.


Bugs fixed:

- Bug renaming corrupted files

- Import a rom after a corrupted file error

- Fix filter skipped in some case

- ListView not always sorted

- Incremental search : hidden node are used !

- rename files doesn't put file extension to lowercase

- GPF sometimes with filters

- Empty folder not shown

- Clean up treeview refresh module (faster). This fix refresh bugs.



- Hooked parameters window

- TreeView and ListView popup menu are back

- new 'CloneOf' column

- Database node list re-done with new nodes

- Move 'description' column in first position

- Move 'abort' button in toolbar

- Use sort column for incremental search

- Empty filename column for missing files

- Fix sample option

- Move samples to sample path and move roms to roms paths

- Create ghost games option

- Corrupted file option: move to a folder, delete or skip

- Set and fix roms cases

- Set and fix files cases

- Play game

- Add new emul param (folder) to run mame game.

- Add pause option to debug games launch

- Add default working parameter line for mame

- Add sample path configuration

- Rom folder drag & drop to add several at a time

- Thread test on 'create database from mame' and 'add rom path'

- Sorted paths list

>> Get it HERE.

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