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Here's the list from GameWad.com **credits: Digg.com** ....


Sometimes a game will come out that is so crappy, a dung beetle would avoid it. Luckily, games lately haven't been too dreadful, but the past ten years have been filled with some pretty crapalicious entries. I give you the ten worst games of the past decade!


10. Bomberman: Act Zero


Bomberman: Act Zero is the worst game on the Xbox 360. "Act Zero" gives you the same premise as the old ones - try to outsmart your enemies by planting bombs - but it's too bad your enemies know where every bomb is and every hiding place to avoid your bomb and they almost never make mistakes. The only real way to destroy them is to trap them with an intricate puzzle of bombs. The main game mode features 99 nearly identical levels. You're only granted a few lives and no continues, so odds are you'll turn off your system in disgust after around five levels. I can't imagine seeing anyone playing this game if it was released as an arcade title, and with a fifty dollar price tag this game is a big rip off. The graphics look like an early generation Playstation 2 game and they replaced Bomberman with "futuristic" alien creatures. Everything about this game is crap.


9. Space Raiders


Space Raiders is the sequel to the '70s arcade classic Space Invaders, but Space Raiders doesn't show much of an improvement over the original. Porting a 25 year old game with only minor graphical enhancements just doesn't "work" or "matter." The game does have a story mode, but it takes about 2 hours to complete. I'd rather play the original any day!


8. KISS Pinball for the Playstation


"James Bond has a license to kill, rockstars have a license to be outrageous." -Gene Simmons

KISS Pinball is the worst pinball game ever made. The game is marred by poor physics, horrible graphics, poor frame-rate, and, most of all, an almost total lack of KISS. The only thing that the game has in common with KISS is that there are a few pictures of the band on the two pinball tables that the game offers. Being a KISS game, this should have some KISS music right? Nope, the music is a series of random guitar riffs and some singing by a completely different band. I mean, come on, KISS! Record fifteen seconds of audio and advertise new KISS music on the cover and your game will sell millions! If you purchase this, be prepared to KISS it goodbye. Sorry.


7. Kabuki Warriors for the Xbox


With a world filled with great fighting games, what's the point of playing a crappy one? Kabuki Warriors was one of the worst games to come out for the Xbox. The fighting system consisted of two buttons, a regular attack button and a special attack button. With its extremely mediocre battle system and repetitive and boring gameplay design, there is no reason to ever play Kabuki Warriors unless you are a Kabuki warrior.


6. Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots for the Game Boy Advance


Is the youth of America just getting too lazy? For what is probably the same price as the toy, you can get the virtual version of Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots. The Game Boy Advance version of the toy emulates the experience perfectly, but what is the point when you can just get the game and see actual plastic robots punching each other? If you repeatedly mash the A punch button over and over you will kill your enemy so there is no skill to the game. At least in the toy it was actually fun to beat up your friends and took some skill. Why take that fun away and replace it with a fastest-pressing-of-the-punch-button contest?


5. Elf Bowling 1 & 2 for the DS


If you are making crappy bowling games, you probably are in your first week of your freshmen year at a game development college. Who plays these bowling games? From Bowling on the 2600 up until a few years ago, pretty much every bowling game was the exact same game with different packages. Then Elf Bowling came out on the DS, which had a unique twist that had you bowling elves instead of pins! The game is a port of a free online PC video game that came out in 1999. It even comes bundled with the crappy sequel! They were crappy games back then, they are crappy games now. Elf Bowling features nothing fun. It is a bowling game that you would expect to see as a mini-game. Bowling elves! What a great idea!


4. Drake of the 99 Dragons for the Xbox


Drake of the 99 Dragons is a third person shooter where both the movement and the aiming is controlled with the right thumbstick. After they realized the absolute suckage of this aiming system, a broken auto aim was added. Drake never aims where you want him to aim. Sometimes you will run into a room and you take out your guns to kill the guys in front of you, but the game will automatically aim behind you. You never get the sense of aiming where you want to. The aiming system would have been such an easy fix! However, even if fixed, this game would have been lame due to its extremely shallow missions where you just run from point A to point B while killing everything in your path.


3. Superman 64 for the N64


The people at Titus achieved their goal of putting almost no time into this Superman game, solely for the purpose of stealing thousands of kids' hard earned cash. The main objectives in the game are flying through tons of rings and picking up people in danger. Not only is this extremely boring, but the controls in the game are some of the worst of all time. Top all of this off with a horrible combat system and several glitches where you pass through walls without any contact, and you've got unredeemable trash with a cartoony Superman on the cover.


2. FBI Hostage Rescue for the PC


FBI Hostage Rescue features the worst artificial intelligence of all time. The game attempts to be a SWAT impersonator, but fails miserably. You must run into a series of rooms, shoot all the bad guys, and then rescue the hostages. The problem is, the hostages are so dumb that they can't be rescued. They'll attempt to follow you but instead they'll run into walls, run in a completely different direction, suddenly disappear, get stuck on a crack, refuse to move, or float and get stuck in the air. It may take you ten tries to get past the any level, because there is almost always some type of glitch that happens with the hostage. Don't the developers play the games before they release them?


1. Big Rigs for the PC


This game is our winner/loser! Developed by a practically unheard of company, the people who created this crap have managed to keep a low profile and not expose their identities. The game is completely unfinished and has no redeeming qualities. It is supposed to be a racing game, but when you get into the race, your opponent never moves. You are just stuck on one of the few levels wandering around in your big rig. You can't hit any jumps because of the lack of a physics engine. You can't crash into things because there is no collision detector. At times your rig will randomly fly into space. If you actually try the race, there is no way you can lose because there is no time limit and no artificial intelligence in the enemies. When you complete the race a screen pops up and says "You're Winner!" Fortunately, the torture session that is Big Rigs is only about 20-30 minutes long. So how's the sound in the game? Come on, give us some big rig noises and a little C.W. McCall. Nope, the game has no sound effects and plays looping techno tracks. Don't you dare give in to the $10 price tag, this game is horrible.


Under no circumstances should these games be purchased. If you're buying one as a joke for a friend, you're probably going to end up with one less friend. Don't support the thieves who make these crappy games, and maybe you'll be able to afford a good one.

Now, post your own TOP 5 or TOP 10 list of the worst games from the past decade (until 1997).

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Posted (edited)

5. DBZ Sagas(PS2)



OMG Read the comments under this one, people ACTUALLY LIKED this Game


The Guy Reviewing this Game is More Sarcastic then Agozer :)

1. ET (Atari) - I actually know someone who owns this

Edited by GoRDoOnE
5. DBZ Sagas(PS2)



OMG Read the comments under this one, people ACTUALLY LIKED this Game


The Guy Reviewing this Game is More Sarcastic then Agozer :)

1. ET (Atari) - I actually know someone who owns this

Uhmm... ET was made in 1982 ... the list is only supposed to be for the games in past decade. :(


5. DBZ Sagas(PS2)



OMG Read the comments under this one, people ACTUALLY LIKED this Game


The Guy Reviewing this Game is More Sarcastic then Agozer :)

1. ET (Atari) - I actually know someone who owns this

Uhmm... ET was made in 1982 ... the list is only supposed to be for the games in past decade. :(

Haha Ok then that explains ETs Absence. Well my List stands for that Matter making Superman the Worst


5. Postal 2

4. Superman 64

3. Superman 64

2. Superman 64

1. Superman 64


ET probably wins the Worst Game of All Time hands down.


World Heroes is actually a pretty solid fighter, although aged even by Neo-Geo's standards. I'm happy to see that Superman 64 made to this list as well, and rightfully so. It's one of the pinnacles of poor game design.


I've heard about Big Rigs on different gaming sites and they all give the same verdict. It's unbelievable how a game that broken got released in the first place.

haha, im disappointed the lawn mower racing game didnt make it! (www.letsmow.com)

LMFAO niiiiice, its so sad that these Full Priced games SUCKED in comparison to the BK games that were 5 bucks and i found one on the street the other Day, but since i dont own a 360 i threw it out


Reading about crappy games makes you feel good, doesn't it?


If it weren't for crappy games, I think we would not appreciate the really good (and why not even slightly mediocre) games so much.

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