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Bomberman : Act Zero is a disgrace to gaming and to mankind as a whole. What a ridiculous piece of $%# it is, and to think I was considering buying it because of the Bomberman label. They really missed the mark on that pile of trash.


P.S. ET's repulsiveness lives on to this last decade too. I recently saw it on display for playing purposes at a retro VG store and picked up the controller. I was amazed at how dysfunctional the game was. The end.

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What about Razer Freestyle Scooter for GBC? Or NFS: Carbon for, well, any system? And not a single Barbie or Polly Pocket game? I'm shocked.


NFS:Carbon is a solid Game, the DS version is..well.....horrible but i own the PC version and while it isnt as fun as MW, its still a good game.


One game which i forgot to Mention is the Latest Sonic. what a POS :)


Weird how I only heard of one of them (Bomberman Act Zero), and knew it would be bad. The only 9 must be just as bad if not worse


I think a even better topic would be a poll of people who were suckered into buying superman 64 because they thought it was going to be good...oh man that would be a sad poll I myself had to get my mother to biatch to the people at best buy to take the crappy game back I walked home happy that day with castlevania 64


anything you play right after superman 64 is going to be awesome.


All superman games suck though, the one i have on gameboy is probably worse than the N64 one.


Oh yeah i forgot to mention Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the NES, My friend actually owns a copy O_o we where trying to see how far we could get once :P its really bad. Go look up the angry nintendo nerds review (although its probably his least funny video it shows how bad it is)


Either Big Rigs or Superman 64. I had the displeasure of playing Big Rigs and it was hilariously bad. Superman 64 was just horribly horribly bad and it hurt because me and my friends spent money to rent it. :( What a mistake.

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