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Wii - Man I want one, man this things are good, I wish had money right now to spend on it and a crap load of its games. This is probably the funnest system to play on atm, and will be for a while imo, at least in terms of new gameplay.


360 - Thank god you didn't screw up as much as the original, now if only you can bring out a better variety of games, hey, at least Guitar Hero II finaly came and forza soon as well. Your winning right now in terms of console sales, lets see if you can outwit nintendo in November.


Ps3 - Just die, you money wanting piece of junk. you have 2 decent games I'd play right now, Resistance and VF5. VF5 I can wait for my 360 version. Resistance isn't that much of a big deal, since I'll have fun with UTIII. Other then that, the rest of your exclusives suck ass, and everything else coming out for you I can get on a system that costs $200 less with the same graphics.


Wii- Hell no you gimmicky over-priced piece of hype. I can't stand the dated graphics, 'innovative' (yet really just simple and shallow) gameplay, or trying to play decent VC games (and Metal Slug) with either a dodgey wand or dedicated controller. And with only 512MB on board? I hope it dies after all the existing Wii-owners realise there arent going to be any games better than Wii Tennis and that theyve been had.


Xbox 360- Im surprised, honestly. Gears, DoA4... not to mention UT3. On top of that all the Live stuff, Uno! with Live Vision and a 120GB Black unit... Microsoft has really outdone themselves. However, the price in Aus ($699 with Gears) is still terribly inflated. That's for the Premium... not even considering how expensive the Elite will be when its released.


PS3- What the hell? Im still shocked how badly this is going so far. If it was cheaper, and Live-quality online features, and so on, I STILL wouldnt buy one. I was just thinking the other day that even if I got one for free Id still be pissed because it would make buying a 360 down the track harder to justify. Amazing how much of a lead, market dominance and brand name Sony has been able to blow to hell so quickly. Just pure amazing.



Overall, the new gen blows in my opinion. The fact that the 360 resonates most with me, and that it is surviving off the back of PC-esque Gears of War and will host even more strong titles like UT3, Tiberium Wars etc just makes me that much more sure I should stick with my PC. The Wii and PS3 are laughable to me, and the Xbox still hasnt got enough to make me wanna buy one just yet. It also reminds me how much I love my comp, my PS2 and my PSP.


Wii-the innovation is wearing thin quick on that thing i have actually had money to buy this to round out my trifecta of next gen systems but the wiimote wears out its welcome to me on some many games half way through it.


Xbox 360- once hated it but now i like it i like the online structure, really something ps3 needs to steal from, thats right i said steal cuz the home stuff has yet to blow a skirt up. but microsoft is pissing me off with this elite release for more money its stupid. and im not gonna say they are stealing exclusives from PS3 the publishers are just going multiplatform to make up for profit loss.


PS3- slight disapointment but i think they will build ground this yr, they really got to do the price cut to get in the game. nothing else to say really sony just has a lot of work to do.


Wii - I wanted to get one of these. The games (from what I've tried) are fun and don't seem to really get old. This would probably be my second choice out of the three. On the other hand, I could see myself getting annoyed with it being a little too unorthodox of a console.


Xbox 360 - My personal favorite of the three. It is also the one I actually own. I do wish there was more games for the system though. It lacks certain types (fighting, RPG, etc.) but it is master of the action realm of gaming.


PS3 - After the hype of this system died down I barely realize it still exists. The price alone is a huge factor in why this console means nothing to me. It does have/will have a nice selection of games which makes me somewhat jealous but overall I don't really care for this system much.


Wii: I have yet to actually spend some quality time with one, but it would be the second console I would buy in this generation. If only more games would take advantage of the wiimote and it's capabilities, and the presence of more third party developers, would make the Wii something that would appeal to everyone a little bit more.


Xbox 360: I may be biased due to the fact that I own one, but I am pleased at how it has progressed since it's debut. The games seem to appeal to almost everyone and the upcoming games are being waited with high expectations. The Xbox Live service is great and I wish that the Wii and PS3 would have similar online services.


PS3: Although not as successful as it's suppose to be at the moment, I still have expectations that it will be successful. Existing games have not been great as they would have seemed and the loss of previous exclusives doesn't help out much either. Still I'm waiting for more good games to come out for the system that would help give it a little boost.


Wii - Best of the three. Awesome, innovative games, Virtual Console, mod chips, Opera web browser, Mii, and so much more. As soon as I have the money, I'm getting one of these. I know a lot of people complain about the Wii mixing gaming and physical activity, but not all games do that, and, truthfully, I know a lot of gamers who could use that activity. :)


360 - Sorry excuse for a next-gen system. Call me crazy, but I am not impressed with it at all. Total lack of innovative games; most are just "souped up" versions of the same old tired genres. Plus, if you don't buy the more expensive of the two packages, and you want the peripherals later, you're screwed into spending hundreds more than you would have for the other package.


PS3 - Could have been so much better. If only the price had been less, the controllers had vibrate, the price had been less... From what I've seen, however, the graphics are amazing, and some fresh, new games could be coming our way. Also, I love the fact that you can install Linux on it. Makes it much easier to run emulators and such.


Wii: Good start, games are fun, basically your party system for the whole family to join up. Various side goodies to play with. They need to spice up the whole innovation part I agree, because nearly all games have the same motions. But hey, SNK is supporting and they support VC, we could see future of fighteres on Wii instead of the PS3(which is most likely not) and 360 (their in the "we'll see" part, they'd rather get SNK's fighters for Arcade though, not the latest things either for various reasons).


360: Obvious the best of the bunch. Live is arguable the best of the online infastructers of the 3 consoles. Games appeal to every person. Some may just be as baised against it as there are people for it. 3 Selected packages, good for consumers, but not for the 30% who complain all the god damn time about features.


PS3: Go die Sony. Resistance is crap, AC4 was trash and VF is coming to 360 also. All you have going for you is MGS4 and for those Final Fantasy fanboys. Sorry but 13 just screams "We want your money."


Wii: Great system, but th best game out for the Wii is free and comes with the system itself. A good reason that the system is called the "Wii"(We) instead of "Mii"(Me) is because it is only fun with 2+ Players, 1 player isnt very fun and the graphics just dont hold up this system to the greatness it should be, but if you grab 4 people to play games like Wii sports, there is a 100% chance that you will have fun regardless of whatever you think


360: Best of the three. The price is exactly what a Next Gen system is expected to cost. While the Elite version might cost more, i honestly would buy it for the extra space. 360 is also the most comfortable of the three. The Windows Vista and Media center Edition Compatibility is awesome so you can have your computer in one room and watch your videos and listen to your music in another room. Zune is the best Mp3 player out at the moment(Sorry apple) and it is 100% compatible with the 360 also. Microsoft has nullified any reason to spend mony with sony anymore. Everything is so well put together and if you own an HD LCD TV with Gears of Wars, then you are set for life =]


PS3: Great Disappointment. PS3 is a compilation of every other system that ever came out. Nothing new about this system except for Blue ray which honestly if you ask me, that technology is still too new. Not many good movies have come out on blue ray DVD and they cost more. Graphic-wise the system reigns supreme, but not that many good games are out yet and GTA4 is also coming out on the 360 so owning a PS3 is all just about how badly you want to play MGS4 and watch Blue Ray DVDs, so instead of PS3 they shouldve call this "Blue ray MGS4 Player" Cuz thats all it really is.


Wii: The Wiimote is a pile of crap. It's too difficult to control, it used to randomly snap off and break things, and the innovation it offers involves a bunch of sorry excuses for a minigame. At the same time, it's pretty well priced, and it has some decent games on it. Too many games are going to fall back on the annoying gimmick of pointing your wiimote at the screen or flailing it around like a sword, though. It would have been a better system if the ditched all the innovative motion sensing for a normal controller. Of course, that may just have made it a Gamecube. Hey, what could possibly be cheaper than something you already own?


X-Box 360: The only system to show any decent improvement over its predescessor. A relatively traditional system, it has a decent library of games, but I'm not really interested in most of them. Live has some very cool features, also. Still a bit expensive, but it's worth it.


PS3: It's kind of like the PS2, only three times as expensive at nearly no additional benefit. I don't buy consoles so I can brag about the system specs and hope that my pretty Blu Ray Player has a use some day. Honestly, as far as I'm concerned, it may as well play UMDs. They serve pretty much the same purpose. They keep liquid from your drink from reaching the surface below.

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