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MiSFiTMAME 0.113.5 released


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This emulates arcade games, hacks, and multigames that for some reason or another have not made it to MAME.





We would have liked to go straight to 0.114, but due to problems with the build it was decided to stick with the 0.113 core.



Source changes


For all pacman, mspacman and jrpacman games:

- added "8" to skip to next level

- added "Fire" to make pacman go twice as fast (where possible)

- connected up flashing led, for those who like such things.


Add memory needed by mspachi and mineswp.


Fix rom loading for several games.


Add missing parents for playchoice, neogeo, pcktgal, and rastan games.


Some sets were loading blank roms to fill up space. These are now optional.


Most neogeo bioses are now optional.


Added missing proms to tempest and clones, spacwarp, asteroi6. (spacwarp still doesn't work)


Add missing driver init to bubbleb.


Fix incorrect trackball defaults for tehkanwc and clones.


Load bbugtest to low memory. (sort of working)


Add missing line of code to fix pacman hi-res hacks.


Fully emulated timer in mschampx, zolapac and clones. (fixes various bugs)


Change screen size for beast, to remove rubbish at the sides. Still has bad screen tearing.


Did something to fix npong10.


Some sets had incorrect roms. Found the original sets and made correction for:

- zolamaze (was the same as mspacman)

- kf97wpls (was the same as kof97)

- kof97pjc (was the same as kof97)

- kof97saw (was the same as kof97)

- kof97sw (was the same as kof97)

- kof97wh (was the same as kof97)

- puckman2 (was the same as fstpman2)



Games Removed


ad2083, cannonb, cannonb2, froggrmc, jockeygp, llander, llander1 (in MAME)

rockclim, spcfrcii, spclforc, vliner, vlinero, scorpion, scrpiona (in MAME)

bustamov (same as pbobblnb)

chthang (same as hangly)

fastjr (same as jrpacman when dip switch is set to fast)

fastplus (same as fstmsatk)

msbaby1 (same as msbaby)

msmulti (same as pacmulti)

mspacp (same as msplus)

plusfast (same as pacplus)

pmanalt (same as namcosil)

pmanalta (same as namcosil)

pmad_a (same as pmada)

pmfeverp (same as pmba4000)

temptubb (same as tempest)

ladybugh (same as lazybug), it will return when/if missing rom does.


All neogeo games with "decrypted C", and supporting parent sets. (These are available on other emulators)


All fruit machines (These are available in AgeMAME)



Games Added


homercid (Homercide) [David Widel, Cutebutwrong]

galaga84 (Galaga 84)

galagab2 (Galaga bootleg)

galagads (Galaga Fast Shoot)

nebulbee (Nebulous Bee)

pacman25 (25 MAP PAC)

newpuck3 (New Puck 3)

mspac6m2 (improved version of mspac6m)

mspacit (Ms Pacman from Italian dumping team)

superabc (8 games in 1)

bakatono (MGD2 dump)

eightman (MGD2 dump)

fbfrenzy (MGD2 dump)

kotm (MGD2 dump)

lbowling (MGD2 dump)

minisan (MGD2 dump)

mutnat (MGD2 dump)

ncommand (MGD2 dump)

ridhero (MGD2 dump)

fightfek (was missing from driver list)

jr1000_2 (was missing from driver list)

>> Get it at the official release thread HERE.

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