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I saw it late last week while I was in Texas (for 2.25 no less!) and I really enjoyed it. It's not fine cinema by any stretch of the imagination but I thought it was just damn good fun. I actually liked Planet Terror and Death Proof equally, however, there are many people who didn't like Death Proof because of the long and useless chatter.


Did any of you see it? What were your impressions? What was your favorite fake ad? I liked all of them a lot but I think my favorite was "Don't" since it poked fun at crappy horror movies.

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i saw it and im with u, i liked em both they were just both so over the top, just looks like they had fun with both films. and the end of deathproof was great i wont spoil it but it was just great to me. the fake trailers were pretty good too, dont was just hilarious but thanksgiving was my fav lol.

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