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You buy a Sony DVD, you buy a Sony DVD player. They won't work together. Yay Sony!


Sony "breaks its DVDs with DRM"


Some outfits never learn


Monday 16 April 2007, 07:04


A BLOKE claims that Sony is back to its old tricks and has installed a new DRM system on its DVDs which do not work in some machines.

Writing in a blog here, a geezer called Micky B recounts his adventurers trying to get some new disks to play on his Sony DVP-CX995V DVD player.


Several copies of two movies 'Stranger than Fiction' and 'The Holiday' loaded up to the splash title screen, stopped and then switched the machine off.


There were no problems with DVDs or new releases from other movie companies, Mickey said.


He called Sony who admitted that the problem was being caused by its new copy protection making these discs unplayable in some players including our own. Sony says that it does not not intend to change the copy protection.


They told him he would have to have a firmware update to his player. Unfortunately this has not been released yet. In fact they do not know when it will be released.


Obviously he is a bit miffed about spending $350 on a Sony DVD player three months ago which cannot play Sony movies The player is still being flogged and makes no mention of this fact.

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Sony is a very good source for giggles.

True, that's why I love Sony. :banghead:


How shameful, it seems like the PS was the climax of their life. Now everything after is just gettin sloppy...Sony gettin lazy and annoyed but thats no excuse to produce this kinda crap.

*throws up Sony DvD player*

*Hits it with a bat*

Lets try again...


Sony is amazing... both PS3 and BluRay are the best tech out there, and Sony, up until, say, the last 12 months, had an extremely strong brand presence as well.


That they flocked it up really pisses me off.

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