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The American government wants my social security number and is willing to fine me $250,000 if I don't mail it to them. Fact.

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That's fine, crap happens everywhere........but I bet you I can name 3 US cities with a population and size roughly the same as Toronto, and all 3 have murder rates at least 10x as high, with more than 75% being committed with a firearm.

What you don't realize, is most of the murders in Toronto, are gang related......not school shootings, not crazy f**ks hiding in the trunk of a car with a scoped rifle, and not some banjo playing-bible thumping cult. Your reference and logic is HIGHLY FLAWED. Of course a murder like that made major headlines in our papers, IT'S RARE STUPID!


Take New York, and I know it's condisiderably larger than Toronto, and go on a per-capita basis. I'm willing to bet that ALL gun related crimes, are at least 20x that of Toronto's.


Aren't most homicides with guns in big cities gang related anyway? Especially American cities.


Short Answer: Yes


Long Answer: Heck ya son.

  IJTF_Cinder said:
That's fine, crap happens everywhere........but I bet you I can name 3 US cities with a population and size roughly the same as Toronto, and all 3 have murder rates at least 10x as high, with more than 75% being committed with a firearm.

What you don't realize, is most of the murders in Toronto, are gang related......not school shootings, not crazy f**ks hiding in the trunk of a car with a scoped rifle, and not some banjo playing-bible thumping cult. Your reference and logic is HIGHLY FLAWED. Of course a murder like that made major headlines in our papers, IT'S RARE STUPID!


Take New York, and I know it's condisiderably larger than Toronto, and go on a per-capita basis. I'm willing to bet that ALL gun related crimes, are at least 20x that of Toronto's.


So you're telling me every shoot out in america is about school shootings/psychos and not gangs? Well listen here partna, the U.S. has more gangs than you think. As a matter of fact, we probably have some of the biggest/most popular gangs in the world, blood,crips,m-13, and coincidentaly two of those gangs did originate here, and another thing you pansy, we're a border country, meaning we have neighbors to the south and fags to the north, now you tell me, how did your country get marijuana/coke-crack-pase, cuz I know you fags didnt find in on your natural soil. You damn right you got it from mexico, now please explain to me how it got there. Did it A. magically appear, B. you're a fag so probably dont care and just rather be wit your b/f or C. it gets transported through the U.S./maybe even around., I'm sure you answered B., but thats wrong, the answer is C.


NOW, since we covered the fact that drugs are into play and that you most probably know that the U.S. is a big client in the drug world. I want you to do some homework and reasearch just how many "shootings" are drug related, and what do gangs do? Sell drugs. So, eliminate the drugs and then what will gangs do? Dispers, or just drink beer. So dont say oh since drugs=gangs U.S. has too many gangs compared to canada. In order for you guys to get anything it has to be transported north, passing us, which means you guys dont get as much drugs as us becuase it has to go around us or through us which means if the border patrol doesnt stop the smugglers the coast guard will. So if it wasnt for us stopping the drugs coming into your country you'd have twice as many gangs and twice as many shoots, and twice as much BS to say like you guys already do. Yeah, so dont say "hey you guys are a bunch of druggies" yeah a/h, if it wasnt for us you'd be in the same damn mess.


Gang related or not, it's still an incident. Now this whole shooting up the school stuff, I dont know, I'm not from the north, so I cant say what thier reasoning or logic is, and if I did I probably wouldnt want to anyways.


Bloods/Crips arent anything big. They are little Spots of them here and there but Gangs are loyal, have morals and so on and so fourth. Most Bloods and crips i know are two faced and have no values. everything they do is just to make them look tough but in actuality they are really Pu**y. Cant really Compare them to the Mafias from the East.


Simply put, I suggest you watch your mouth before you earn yourself a PERMANENT BAN Cominus. I'm not going to put up with your mouth, just because you started an uneducated, uniformed topic to biatch.

Get an education, and stop polluting the world with your useless self-serving mouth. You overly abuse the word "fag".

Yes, most shootings are gang related, but if you had an IQ over 80, you'd realize that there are far more NON gang related shootings in the US, than up here.


STFU Noob, or face a ban. I don't have to put up with you.

Posted (edited)

Looks like tripping on power to me!

Rock on, doods!



Just in case I get a ban for this post, I'd like to spell it out.


Edited by NeuronMaster
  IJTF_Cinder said:
Simply put, I suggest you watch your mouth before you earn yourself a PERMANENT BAN Cominus. I'm not going to put up with your mouth, just because you started an uneducated, uniformed topic to biatch.

Get an education, and stop polluting the world with your useless self-serving mouth. You overly abuse the word "fag".

Yes, most shootings are gang related, but if you had an IQ over 80, you'd realize that there are far more NON gang related shootings in the US, than up here.


STFU Noob, or face a ban. I don't have to put up with you.

I never take Cominus's posts that seriously. Just let it be. He can be occasional fun with his ramblings.

Just like K'dash.

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