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Well if we can see water, it can't be too difficult to see petroleum, which would tell is if life has existed there before. But then, I'm no astronomer.


Edit: Or oil guru. Isn't most petroleum underground? :(



Terra forming ftw.


Quite possibly there is.


That's pretty interesting to know there's a similar planet to ours. It'll be interesting to see if life evolves there or not depending on the conditions on that planet.


Life? Yes.


My dad actually believes that humans started out on both Mars and Earth, but the ones on Mars screwed their planet up (hence the "no water or air" thing) and came to Earth where they wiped out Neanderthals to become the dominant race.


Very interesting, also from another forum:

It's foolish to assume that life will develop on every planet that's close to the size and makeup of our own, since there are a lot of factors that contributed to its evolution here. But it's also hasty (albeit more cautious) to make the call that because a planet's star or gravity or rotation is different than our own that life on it is impossible.

For now we just have to wait until more information is gathered before we can make such an assumption.

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