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I probably would just to screw around with zero gravity and to see our planet from a view. But other than that, there are no other reasons for me to stay up there (and it's bad to stay up there for long periods of time).


Also, I guess you conspiracy freaks would goto the moon and look if we actually landed there or not.


Now thats an idea! Finally prove or disprove those old theories. Not for me though, I think the weightlessness would play havoc with my stomach..


I definitely want to go up there. I've always been intrigued by space.


I would go up for a day or two jus to experience weightlessness... it'd be the closest I'd ever get to actually flying.


I have already experienced weightlessness in a fighter jet. But I would love to gaze at all the stars. Always loved looking at them on a clear summer night in the country without the city lights.


You can get that sense of weightlessness at plenty of places on Earth itself.


Why go to space when its just a huge cost, incredible risk and when there isn't really much to see or go to out there anyway?


Yeah, we need more discoveries out there anyway, why shouldn't I be the one to find them? Oh right, because I'm not an astrophysicist.


i wouldnt want to go up there unless we could actually live without wearing suits

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