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I recently downloaded the Mamedox Platinum V2 set and it

was only at this weekend that I have the chance to explore deeper

it's features and roms.


Unfortunately I discovered that Platinum V2 presents some

weird VSYNC problems. When you play Green Beret, there

are some points in the game where you will get a horizontal

screen tearing, exactly as seen when you have the VSYNC option

turned off.


Another games I recall now with this problem:


The one where you play with a James "Bond-ish" character,

a spy falling in parachute from the sky on the first stage.


Double Dragon 1 too. Even not playable in Mameox 128 (very slow

when screen is crowded) it present VSYNC problems on

Platinum V2 (and really not in Mameox 128)


I am using the folowing:

Magnification: Linear

Minification: Linear

Vsync: ON

Frameskip: Auto

Framerate Throttling: ON

Flicker: 0


Other thing I did notice, Platinum V2 have its screen mode

ALWAYS in STRETCHED MODE, again, games like Green Beret

and BadDudesVsDrgonNinja are streched to horizontally fill the

screen. There is no way to turn it off. Or there is?


Luckly the stretch happens only in horizontal games. Vertical

shooters like RAIDEN works fine as Mameox 128 plus.


Well, that's it!

I don't know about future version, but I wonder

if someone could take a look at this?


I loved the way PlatinumV2 handles the ROM-List - I mean,

I loved the FILTER for managing favourites pressing Black

and White buttons.




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