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Just when you thought it was safe to check your inbox. Miami attorney and anti-game activist Jack Thompson was back at it again today. It seems Mr. Thompson is taking issue with the pending release of Microsoft's Halo 3 game, currently being enjoyed by 360 owners everywhere with its multiplayer beta.
  Smilee said:


Just when you thought it was safe to check your inbox. Miami attorney and anti-game activist Jack Thompson was back at it again today. It seems Mr. Thompson is taking issue with the pending release of Microsoft's Halo 3 game, currently being enjoyed by 360 owners everywhere with its multiplayer beta.



>_> so stupid who cares who plays games, obviously the parents know that there kids are playing so leave it be its only a game and people who take things really seriously about them should be put into a physco ward


God, he makes me SO flocking mad. What a flocking jackass. :( Running around, claiming that playing violent video games makes kids cold, efficient killers... what a flocking jackass.


Wait! He's suing because a violent game is having extreme hype?

MAkes sense...


Thompson's antics are so ridiculous that they always border on hilarious. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Somebody needs to punch him in the face. Hard. Many times.


This has gone to the point that hardly anyone (short of worried parents and uneducated judges who believe anything they hear) takes him seriously.


Which we hope so. I hope he keep it up. Then, no one will be bothered with him and we all still playing video games :P


We'll all be playing video games anyway. If he ever actually gains power over this sort of thing we're brainwashed to use our effective sniping skills to overthrow all the world's governments and usher in a new age of hyperviolent anarchy. The facts are there, you just have to google them.


Give it time... who knows, maybe he'll be assassinated...


*hides blue prints*


let him be.

we're lucky someone as stupid as he is, is leading this thing...


we're in trouble if someone with an actual personality decides to take up his cause ( someone with the charisma of tony blair pre iraq war for example)



actually, i wonder if gates legal teams will bury thompson.


but lets look at da big picture!

Bill Gates sued for 2.5 million dollars...


Bill Gates : "Oh...Gee golly, very well, *digs in pocket* here you go....Hope you can do this again for Xbox 720!"

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