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I think I'll sit this one out... but I'll just say that you can have both science and religion you know...


...and so either argument that comes up here will be really premised by naivety. Good hunting :P.

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If anybody has ever watched southpark and have seen the episode were cartman goes to the future you will know that people will always hate each other and have war wether they have relgion or no relgion.


PS: I did not see the second part of that episode as i was grossed out enough from the first but do know the outcome from reading about it online.


Me and my physics teacher had a long conversation about this, and the conclusion we came to was pretty much that science is such a broad topic (and its technically all theory anyway, nothing is proven) and religion is extremely open to interpretation, so they can pretty much "prove" or "disprove" each other in any debate depending on how you look at it.


and what is the name of that south park episode? I havent seen it.

and what is the name of that south park episode? I havent seen it.


It's the one were cartman wants a wii and freezes himself. You can try searching on google for the following:

south park wii

south park evolution

These are also a clips from the first of the two part episode....enjoy


Both Science and Religion get credited for the creation of Many things, but neither can prove anything. All they can do is Hypothesize and say "Just because 'god of choice' said so or give a theory as to how things started. They cant live together nor can they be to far apart. They both equal False hope if you want to look at it like that.....im so twisted. Lol


Yeah, I've always heard that religion caused so many wars. And why that may be true, i couldn't find myself hating anyone enough to go to war over their beliefs. I'm a Christian but my friend's a atheist. He said, "You know bud, we're cool but at the end of the day we're enemies". We laughed but i wasn't sure if he was joking^^.

I was taught to love thy brethren no matter their beliefs.

Back to da topic though, i feel that true mysterious are never solved with proof. BUt only solved with possibilities of not being true, therfore amking it a true mystery. That also coincides with theories in science. Like the evolution theory, it may look solid but i still see our pre-evolved brothers in the zoo.


There is definately some connection between science and religion in how both deal with the limits of knowledge. I first explored religion after having read a lot about quantum physics. Its hard to look at something like quantum physics and not start to see the huge amount of our world which is built on belief. A realization through science of just how much of the world is unknowable really invites one to explore the nature of faith and belief through religion. While a lot of dogmatic religious ideas are incompatible with science, the fundamental nature of both science and religion requires a belief in what we cannot experience. So there are definately connections and parallels between them worth exploring.


i recall there was a very famous scientist here in egypt, called mostafa mahmoud ( i believe, i'm not sure of the name)


he was a complete atheist, until he started searching into the relationship between science and religon, and then he became a devoutly religous.


My opinion is that religion and science serve a similar purpose but on a different level. Just as we eat and drink to keep our bodies healthy, we use science to keep our mind healthy and religion to keep our soul healthy. That's what I think at least. So them coming together can only be more beneficial for the person.


But I'm always wary about institutions like the Church and fundamentalism because they are a human invention and humans are by nature prone to self-satisfaction. We only need to look back into the past and see what the Spanish Inquisition did or what terrorists do today... they are simply tools manipulated by people... and people are inherently self-centered and seek personal satisfaction above all.


Therefor I prefer to operate on a different level when it comes to religion. I believe in God and Jesus Christ, as I am orthodox by birth, although I do not frequently attend church. I believe they protect and love me, but I will steer clear of human interpretations because they may taint my system of beliefs for their own benefits. I recognize that churches and monasteries are symbols of my God so I take a moment to pay my respects whenever I pass one. But mostly I just limit myself to that. I've had times when I was in doubt of my faith because of reading different conflicting articles and whatnot but I found that I gain comfort because I believe.


As for science, we can go on about it just as much as we can talk about religion really and it's just as open to interpretation. For example cloning is considered both good and bad when viewed from different perspectives.


Whatever people say, try to create your own system of values and remember that there's two sides to every coin. As for me, I've found that there's always a middle road, the gray color when it comes to black and white if you will. I live just fine with my beliefs and science because they're the means of furthering my happiness.


Well then, so doesn't all the other great stuff we talk about in this forum category.


IMO, I think it's perfectly fine that we have any type of thread about religion here. We've had them before too. :(


Religion and Politics on general places and more-so topic specific places is like an unwritten rule of the internet. It ALWAYS starts a flamewar, ALWAYS. Just you watch.......


Always is right. :(


Personally I don't see why people always contrast religion and science, when their purposes differ. Well I do know WHY, because people want to know the "truth" and they see these two subjects as 2 sides of a coin. To be honest though, Religion isn't a fundamentally practical approach to learning the truth of the natural world, because if you're a full-on devout practitioner, the truths are laid out for you and you should have FAITH in what your practice teaches. Religion is all about faith, trusting in something without having to be convinced by tangible, empirical evidence. Science is just an organized study progressing towards the educational theory and hypothesis. Things are dynamic in science. One learns to postulate and formulate highly theoretical probabilities, looking at both the evidence that supports the probability and improbability of any grounded hypothesis in a manner to invoke higher knowledge of enlightenment about the NATURAL world. In that manner, when new things are discovered and implimented, old theories change and more questions are invoked while others are sedated.


To me, religion and science are not 2 sides of the same coin. There's no use in trying to compare the two and establish which is right or wrong about the truths in life because they serve different purposes.

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