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Ok I downloaded the Setup, instelled it, and set up the bios, I also got the bios and flash files from my dreamcast, but everytime I try to play a CDI (Marvel vrs. Capcom 2) it crashes... I think, did I do something wrong or miss a file somewhere?

What are your system specs?


his system speculation is a rectangle box with a smaller rectangle box for the cd-drive, and lots of stuff inside. :D


Your system is on the slow side, but nothing about the specs should case nullDC to just crash. There could be dozens of reason why it crashes, from driver conflicts to faulty CD images. the Radeon 7000 is very old and ATI doesn't offer support for it in the newer Catalyst drivers.


Do things work in Chankast?

No I get error messages when I try to run those plugins


Eroor message reads:

Unhandled Exeption while Initing Chankat's Video (Apr 1 2007) plugin

I meant try Chankast itself, not merely its plugins in nullDC. All things considered, the error message would suggest that your video card drivers are FUBARed, or your card simply doesn't work well enough to support what is needed from Dreamcast graphics emulation.

Posted (edited)

Yeah I tryed that Emu first but my CPU would support it or something.. Crap... oh while I was in the market for a new video card anyways, I'll just take it off my computer for now tell I get a new card, thanks for all the help though :D

Edited by Dragonmaster_Mace

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