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A classmate of mine placed "Pride and ego will only lead to failure" as his display name. And my sec4 physics teacher said something like "if you fail, blame on your arrogance and stupidity".


So, in your opinion, what are the "things" that will cause a person to fail in whatever he/she is trying to do?


I think lack of hope, lack of persistence, and lack of rudimentary self confidence leads to failure.


I think those who are arrogant, full of pride and have big egos usually go on to be successful - as much as I hate to admit that, I think it is true. Stuck up successful people are everywhere.


Maybe it's because that they live in their own worlds so much, and believe in themselves so much, that they just keep on trying and persisting and soldiering on, until they get what they want. Until their fantasy land crosses over into reality. Bastards.


lack of will to succeed.


to quote magus from chrono trigger (one of my favorite quotes btw):

"The weak only strive to be weaker"


Why your kids expect to be rich


Its an intersting article mostly for americans who are going to college. It has little to do with the topic but one important thing i got from it is we are in REALITY not in a dream and people tend to take life like a joke.


PLAN AHEAD, that my advice and not doing will lead you to failure.


Life IS a joke. Do what you want with it, it's not gonna matter for long anyway.


Things that lead to failure? Sucking. If you aren't good enough to do something, you're not going to do it. All the positive thinking in the world won't leave you impervious to bullets.

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