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UK ban article via MCV

British Classification body rules Rockstar cannot release upcoming PS2 and Wii sequel in the UK


With Take 2 already in turmoil following the recent company-wide restructuring, the group has been dealt another blow with the news that Rockstar’s upcoming sequel Manhunt 2 has been rejected by the BBFC, meaning it cannot legally be supplied anywhere in the UK.


The only other game to ever be rejected by the body was Carmageddon in 1997, though that decision was overturned by the Video Appealhttp://www.1emulation.com/forums/style_images/default/folder_rte_images/hyperlink.gif

Insert Links Committee.


“Rejecting a work is a very serious action and one which we do not take lightly,” BBFC director David Cooke stated. “Where possible we try to consider cuts or, in the case of games, modifications which remove the material which contravenes the Board’s published Guidelines.


“In the case of Manhunt 2 this has not been possible. Manhunt 2 is distinguishable from recent high-end video games by its unremitting bleakness and callousness of tone in an overall game context which constantly encourages visceral killing with exceptionally little alleviation or distancing.


“There is sustained and cumulative casual sadism in the way in which these killings are committed, and encouraged, in the game.

Full article: http://www.mcvuk.com/news/27545/BBFC-rejects-Manhunt-2


AO rating article via Gamespot:

Earlier today, the British Board of Film Classification gave Manhunt 2 a thumbs down, banning it from sale in the UK due to its "unremitting bleakness" and "casual sadism." Now it appears the Entertainment Software Rating Board is ready to hand down its own most restrictive rating to the latest controversial offering from Take-Two Interactive and Rockstar Games.


A Take-Two representative told GameSpot today that the ESRB has issued an initial rating of AO for Adults Only to Manhunt 2. While not an outright ban, the rating would severely limit a game's sales potential, as most major American retailers have chosen not to carry games rated AO.


As for the reason this is only an "initial" rating, when the ESRB rates a game, it notifies the publisher 30 days prior to publicly releasing its decision. This gives publishers unhappy with ratings the chance to either modify their games and resubmit them for a second assessment, or go before the ESRB's appeals board to challenge it directly.

Full article: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6172743.html?...estnews;title;0


Update: ESRB has hit Manhunt 2 with the ultimate AO rating. Also, Ireland has banned the game.

What's the deal with this game?


Too violent? too graphical?

Pretty much both. Read the articles for more info.

I'm lazy. Gimme a summary pls :)

I'm lazier. Go read it yo' damn self. :thumbsup1:

I'm lazy. Gimme a summary pls :thumbsup1:


I'll summarise it for you. If you live in the UK and want to play Manhunt 2, you're screwed.


For everywhere else, it is gonna be rated AO, which means you can't walk into K-mart and buy a copy- you will have to go some sleazy merchant and ask to see what they have 'in the back'.


Bad news for Rockstar aye? Anyway screw em. They likely made it so gruesome just to ride the controversy-now it has come to bite them in the ass. Manhunt 1 wasn't even that good. I tracked down a copy amid all the bannings for nothing.


I'm lazy. Gimme a summary pls :P


I'll summarise it for you. If you live in the UK and want to play Manhunt 2, you're screwed.


For everywhere else, it is gonna be rated AO, which means you can't walk into K-mart and buy a copy- you will have to go some sleazy merchant and ask to see what they have 'in the back'.


Bad news for Rockstar aye? Anyway screw em. They likely made it so gruesome just to ride the controversy-now it has come to bite them in the ass. Manhunt 1 wasn't even that good. I tracked down a copy amid all the bannings for nothing.

I think I can still get it easily here anyway :naughty: for USD 1++


Not completely screwed as its still gonna be legal to own a copy, import time for this one then it seems and time to make a new slide card to boot it, may work out cheaper to import as well, if it does thats a nice two fingers to the BBFC decision aint it?

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