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First let me start off by saying that this is a great site. Now that the 'fluff' is out of the way...:wink:


I am new to the world of emulation and I was wondering if anyone knows were I could find some info on how to write my own emulator.


I am most interested in developing one for the Sega Genesis.




How good? Well, thats kinda gettin' a bit personal isn't it? :wink: Actually I have a BS in Computer Science. :lol:


I am looking for a little side project at home, something to tinker with and learn a bit at the same time. What little I could gather is that I may have to mess a bit with some low level stuff which would I would find fascinating.




First and foremost, you'll need to have a look-see at some technical information for the Sega Genesis, so have a read through the stuff here.


Then you might want to head to the Gens website and pickup the SH-2 and 68000 core sources that emulator uses, so you can take a look at them and get an idea of just what's required.


2 more emulators that are open source (But not well known and I've never used them) you may want to check out are Generator and Genesis Plus


That's all the help I can offer. Good luck.

I am looking for a little side project at home, something to tinker with and learn a bit at the same time.


Emulator should take rom files and run them on a PC. Means you want to write a program, that make code in one language (the console's language) to PC's language. This is like programing a compiler, one of the most difficult thing to program, seccond only to operation system. Definitely not a little side project.


Writing emulators is not exactly a just "oh maybe I can do this" kind of thing. Takes a lot of time and hard work. Not only that your going to need to know a lot more advanced scripting rather than QBasic and that kind of stuff.

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