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Everything you know about religion and society is wrong. Open your eyes. This will be the most revealing two hours of your life


Zeitgeist: Official Release



Everyone on Earth should see this, spend the time, there's nothing else you could do on the planet that is worth more than this


Spread the word, show everyone you know.

The world.... just became much bleaker.

I dont want to start a war or anything but when so far (i only watched the the first 20 min) he mentions religion he mentions christianity. Thats only one religion, there are many others that dont agree about what he said. You cant so thier is not god after studying one religion. For example the death of jesus, some religions dont believe is true. Also dont forget that the holy bible is a translated book. You cant compare what the word Mary starts with because it might sound different in hebrew (Yahosha [i think thats how you spell it] is Jesus in english, both start with a different letter and are said completely different with no conection that i can see). I will try to comment on the rest of the video later, but so far, they needed more research.


No harm done i hope, just trying to make the world....a little less bleaker.


The only harm you've caused, was the english languge.


I'm pretty sure he looked into other languages dude >.>. My German teacher told me the same things this video told me about religion as well, I took German 4 years ago before the idea of this being made was even introduced to the makers :rolleyes:.


Wow, the ending really plays with your mind. I dont want a microchip up my ass :ph34r:


Never before have I wanted to run out into the streets and yell at people than I do now. I'm going to talk about this with people. I'm going to link people to this movie. I'm already interested just trying to think about how they'll react.


To Ahmad: I've said something similar twice before, but I'll craft it for this scenario to make it very clear. This is an english video. The people watching this are probably going to be christian, so of course that's what they're going to tackle, and that's what they're going to attempt to disprove. Note that it wasn't just Christianity either, but all of of the Judeo-Christian religions. They used Jesus and the story of Jesus as reference because Europe and America know that story. You'll note that the very first section of part I was explaining how nearly 20 different religions were identical and how they came to be. It wrapped it up stating that religion was put there to control the masses, which is not a new concept by any means. Does Islam do this? Maybe not. As Penn & Teller have put it, if you believe that any arguments against your faith are just your god testing you and that you'll be blessed after you die for ignoring them, then I cannot touch you. You are impervious to all debates, logical or otherwise. This is your choice to make.

  OverlordMondo said:
Never before have I wanted to run out into the streets and yell at people than I do now. I'm going to talk about this with people. I'm going to link people to this movie. I'm already interested just trying to think about how they'll react.


To Ahmad: I've said something similar twice before, but I'll craft it for this scenario to make it very clear. This is an english video. The people watching this are probably going to be christian, so of course that's what they're going to tackle, and that's what they're going to attempt to disprove. Note that it wasn't just Christianity either, but all of of the Judeo-Christian religions. They used Jesus and the story of Jesus as reference because Europe and America know that story. You'll note that the very first section of part I was explaining how nearly 20 different religions were identical and how they came to be. It wrapped it up stating that religion was put there to control the masses, which is not a new concept by any means. Does Islam do this? Maybe not. As Penn & Teller have put it, if you believe that any arguments against your faith are just your god testing you and that you'll be blessed after you die for ignoring them, then I cannot touch you. You are impervious to all debates, logical or otherwise. This is your choice to make.

To answer your question about whether Islam tries to control the masses, it would be NO. The muslim religion is actually considered the only non-christian religion and all other religions revolve around christianity or in this case, the religion mentioned in the video.


It was a eye opening video. :ph34r:


I personally wanted more discussion on Part II and III since we've all heard the religious debate a hundred times.

Posted (edited)
  Wizard said:
I personally wanted more discussion on Part II and III since we've all heard the religious debate a hundred times.

What really interested me was the ID card and the chip up the ass thing. did they really pass that law for the ID or is it still in debate. And the Chip thing is that optional??

Edited by Ahmad89

Well the chip is currently in testing as they said, and right now it's voluntary, but eventually it's going to be mandetory. The ID cards themselves I assume have passed or in testing, but the Passport thing is true.


How long is it until we have that chip in us. The ID is no big deal, i dont do anything or go anywhere except overseas, so if i can escape that chip i think it will be all good. There is no way we will be required to have a chip in us overseas, but the ID thing is possible.

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