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Florin has just released BIOS Dumper v2.0 which you can grab from our Downloads>Tools Section.


This program will dump the PS2 BIOS, DVD Player ROM, NVM etc from your PlayStation 2 via a 'host' enabled connection.


PCSX2 0.9.4 will be using the new format BIOS (*.p2b) created by BIOS Dumper v2.0, as it dumps a more "complete" copy of the BIOS. It is highly recommended that you redump your BIOS to get a more complete dump and thus enable PCSX2 to more accurately emulate the PlayStation 2 Smile


You won't need to throw away your old BIOS files, as a convertor will be released in the future to convert the older format to P2B. Conversion is no substitute for a redump as converted BIOS's will not contain the new information dumped from BIOS Dumper v2.0.


The source code for this tool will be made available shortly on sf.net.


EDIT: If you have downloaded before 30d 6m 2007y @ 20:11 GMT+0, or are having problems making the p2b file, please redownload the files provided, as they have been updated!

Source / Downloads

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