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Bye, scene.


I've decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene.

The reasons are various.

One of them is the time it consumes, which i'm losing from other things.

The other is related to my security. I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers.

I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.


He decidido cesar el desarrollo de OE, y abandonar la scene de la PSP.

Las razones son varias.

Una de ellas es el tiempo que me consume, que estoy perdiendo de otras cosas.

La otra esta relacionada con mi seguridad. No me gustaron las amenazas de Sony a los hackers de la PS3.

Creo que es mejor retirarse ahora que estoy a tiempo, que acabar pagando las consecuencias.

Goodbye, DAX... the PSP scene will never be the same without you... :P


Umm... anyone think this maybe someone hacked his page? This is completely out of the blue... He said he had been working on the 3.51 OE with the Sony ISO loader- why drop everything and just quit now?


Something fishy afoot...

Umm... anyone think this maybe someone hacked his page? This is completely out of the blue... He said he had been working on the 3.51 OE with the Sony ISO loader- why drop everything and just quit now?


Something fishy afoot...

Well, the same picture and message is on every one of his sites... maybe he got an email from $ony?


Hopefully, Becus25 and eiffel56 will be able to fill in for DAX. They both have released custom firmwares, so maybe one (or both) of them will get around to 3.51 OE? And maybe Mathieulh will help them out?

Hopefully, Becus25 and eiffel56 will be able to fill in for DAX. They both have released custom firmwares, so maybe one (or both) of them will get around to 3.51 OE? And maybe Mathieulh will help them out?

I agree. although their firmwares are built upon DA's, these coders are gaining experience and could probably take over where he left off. Keep in mind that DA was not responsible for the cracking of each official firmware, he merely implemented it into his custom scheme. Other than coding better video capabilities, his last few releases have essentially been maintenence updates, which some other coder could easily accomplish.


While it sucks that one of the most important hackers for any system is quitting, I have a feeling that the PSP scene will go on. Still he'll be missed!

Hopefully, Becus25 and eiffel56 will be able to fill in for DAX. They both have released custom firmwares, so maybe one (or both) of them will get around to 3.51 OE? And maybe Mathieulh will help them out?


Mathieulh has stated at Maxconsole and elsewhere that neither he nor Dark AleX will be offering source code or help to anyone looking to continue their work.


But you're right. Hopefully the Increasing Edition series will eventually be able to pick up the slack.

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