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RomCenter 3.0 alpha 5 released

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Rom Manager


Version 3.00 alpha 5 released


This is a test only version and should not be used on real files, nor be widely distributed.

Backup your files before using it.


This release fixes a lot of bugs, and add new features.

The database structure changed and you can't use the previously created database files.

You must create new database from this version.


Bugs fixed:

- status bugs

- count in status bar

- '"' in descriptions are correct now



- Database version updated

- CHD support (sha-1) (through arcade.dll plugin)

- CHD fix (not fully tested)

- Vista compatible (fonts, folders, aero)

- Some new vista taskdialog for testing

- Vista open and save files dialogs

- Fastest path loading in drag & drop

- Update of an existing database with a new datafile

- Icons in listview

- Clean up interface

- Change database extension from bin to .rdt (romcenter dat)

- Some operations in threads

>> Get it HERE.

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