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hi everybody


m3 simply/r4 ds - the same thing, really. anyway, i've had mine for about a month now, and was playing about with ds2key. so i find a new version and stick it on the card - no problems there - but when i put the card IN... well i had to wear an eyepatch for a while :D


apparent;y i heard this is a recurring problem and the solution is to remove the spring entirly - so me with my mono vision went and not only removed the spring, but also removed the black clip that holds the card in place. so now, problemsolved (sort of - i now keep the card touching the contacts with a handy piece of paper, and i actually can now live in peace, knowing there is no chance of the card ever comming out (unless i remove the conver) or of the card flying out and hitting my other eye.


has anybody else had any problems like this? (this has just put me off ever buying a spring-loaded system) and what are your solutions to this problem (i am pretty proud of mine, though :P )


next time i'll look at buying a built-in flash solution - unless someone has a way to transfer files onto the ds card via wi-fi, then i'm sold


Sorry to read what happened to yours.


Although this specific problem has never occurred on mine, I've seen that it's a very common problem.


Now I'm not much of a guru in the inner electronics of this 'lil device .. but here's the best advice I can give you:


Most likely your best bet will be to purchase a new one, perhaps an R4DS this time? Keep the one you have as a backup. These devices are not built to last a lifetime, so expect them to eventually fail. Also, check with the online shopper you purchased it from and see if perhaps you can return it still with a restocking fee or something to that extent.


Good luck! :D


unfortunatly i had my card for too long to get a cheap replacement - but anyway my paper addition is working like a charm


and the r4 i heard was the same as the m3 simply (not risking buying that)


anyway the doctors said i can remove the patch tommorow (my fault for looking directly at the thing). but this genuinly has put me off buying any homebrew stuff that is spring loaded. but i've had acouple of suggestions -

1. can the nintendo ram expansion pak be used by a slot 1 device to save stuff like gba roms to it? i heard it's 10 mb big, large enough for at least 1 gba game (i'm asking because of pokemon pearl)

2. having to remove the cover of my m3 simply and wiggle about the piece of paper is actually very anoying. is there any way to send stuff like updates to the m3 simply sd card via wi-fi?


and i heard supercard ds one has a built in flash memory - is tehre any compatibility issues with homebrew or anything (like does it have the compatibility of m3 simply or r4)

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