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How Do you Picture The End Of The World?


I picture that we will all nuke each other to oblivion.


Or, We will develop space technology, but in time, we will drain the Earth of its resources, making kinda unhabitable to live there, unless you can clone minerals.


I think the end of mankind will be resultant from some kind of humanmade disaster but I think the world will end with some kind of giant meteor smashing into it.


I mean let's face it the world is going to last a lot longer than we will. We were only created so we the earth could have those little plastic undegradable cups. Now it has them. we have no use. So expect lots of earthquakes and volcanoes popping up all over the place anytime soon :P

I kinda agree with Diso, the end of the world sadly enough will be from humans :/

if you dont know thos days we have alot of earthquakes more than any time before and it increse every year. this is the true and i beleve that the end of the world is near


i imagine that we also would develop space technology and slowy progress to live on mars, then in a long time both people on earth and mars will have a war and we will be the losers :P

The asteroid theory is right - provided we make it as far as 2880 and dont come up with a solution, then were all toast

You guys ever read Remnants?


Its made by the same author who wrote Animorphs (kinda childish but yea)


Anywayz, It predicts what humans might do when an asteroid is gonna destroy Earth and there's nothing they can do about it So they send a group of humans out. Over time, some humans mutate and the story goes on :P


Its kinda of a cool story plot of the end of the world :lol:


I don't think the asteroid theory is correct.

Plenty of extremely large asteriods have entered our stratosphere already and by the time they make it through, they aren't large enough to do much more than make a small hole in the ground.

So a crazy sized one would make a large impact, but not blow the earth into little pieces.

It would take an asteroid approximately half the size of our own planet to destroy it, BEFORE it entered the stratosphere.


As for earthquakes, they will NOT signal the end of the world.

If you've studied certain things, you'd know that earthquakes are responsible for the continents being in the places they are today.

Right now and all the time, the continental plates shift and in a few thousand years, the continents shall be re-arranged entirely once again.


The downfall of the human race will be the human race, and we could very well be the downfall of this entire planet in the process. And it's most likely we are.

If we don't destroy the planet entirely, it will come about when our galaxy's sun goes supernova and blows nearly every planet in our galaxy to smithereans.

And a new cycle will simply start over.


Merely my opinion, but a very well educated one.


I've got to agree with IJTF_Cinder on the sun doing the damage (I'll just mention that you mean "solar system" when you wrote "galaxy"). I'm an astronomy fan from way back.


Even if the sun lacks mass to go nova, it is supposed to puff out and get red eventually as the fuel for fusion lessens.


Yeah....Solar System. (Ours resides in the Milky Way Galaxy)

But I posted that at like midnight.......gimme a break. :P

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